Minutes - 1 October 2020


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Snape with Thorp Parish Council

Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday 1 October 2020 at 6.30 pm via Zoom

Present: Councillors John Duck, Liz Watson, Sara Pringle, Colin Hodges and Richard Poole.

  1. Apologies for absence – Apologies were received from District Councillor David Webster.
  2. Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.
  3. Minutes of the meetings held on 3 September (copies of which had already been circulated) were accepted as a true record. The Chairman would sign the minutes as soon as possible.
  4. Matters arising
    1. Bridges – The Clerk advised that a response had been received from Highways in relation to the Marina Bridge. Funding was unavailable from the capital programme for flood management. However, a site visit was to occur with a view to funding a solution via the basic maintenance budget. The Council had been asked if NYCC had been advised of any homes flooded in the past. It was agreed to ask if the Parish Council could be represented at the site visit. It was not known if NYCC had been advised of homes flooded in the past but in more recent years flooding of homes had been avoided by the quick response of householders and council eg use of sand bags. The Clerk was asked to enquire about the timing for the repairs to the bridge in the Mires.
    2. Highways matters – safety measures at Kings Keld. A representative of the Traffic Engineering Team would be meeting with the landowner next week. The outcome of this meeting would be awaited. NYCC had advised the Clerk on the possible number of bollards required and the cost for these to be installed by setting the bollards in concrete. The Clerk was asked to contact NYCC to check if it would be acceptable to NYCC for the Parish Council to install the bollards.
    3. Village inspection –
      1. Highways had responded to the range of issues raised with them and most were to be progressed. No site visit was possible at present due to Covid-19. Highways could not support financially any kerbing. However, Cllr Duck had sought a price for kerbing from a local contractor. Councillors would view the area in question in preparation for a further discussion at a future meeting.
      2. It was noted that the white lining at each junction in the village, not just at the junction of Ings Lane and Meadow Lane, required re-painting. The Clerk would write to Highways to request this work.
      3. A householder had responded to the Council’s request to remove overhanging branches – this work was to be undertaken – and regarding parking on the village green. On the latter point the individual had asked if the Council would consider converting the green to a hard standing. The Council RESOLVED that it could not support this proposal as it would set a precedent and could not be funded by the council; the Clerk would write to the householder.
      4. Mosaic Bridge – a visitor had commented on the repairs necessary to the bridge and her willingness to repair the bridge. The Clerk advised that a stock of mosaic pieces was held in the village and the work could be undertaken either by those previously involved or by the visitor.
      5. Clearing the beck by the Marina bridge – Cllr Pringle was asked if she could arrange for the maintenance group to clear the weed from the sections either side of the bridge.
    4. Replacement tree in the Avenue – prices for two different sized trees was noted. It was RESOLVED to purchase the larger sized tree at a cost of £200 plus VAT.
    5. Playing Field Committee – the Clerk had contacted the two members of the Committee who were not Councillors. They both considered that there was no longer a need for a separate Committee. It was, therefore, RESOLVED to disestablish the committee and for Cllrs Poole and Hodges with the Clerk to deal with operational issues bringing items back to the full Council as required. The Clerk noted that the latest RoSPA report had recorded all aspects as low risk requiring no further action. Cllr Hodges asked that the contractor be requested to cut under the hedge when next he came and for future cuts.
  5. Financial Matters
    1. Receipts and Payments since the last meeting – this document, copies of which had already been circulated, was approved.
    2. Hours of work undertaken by the Clerk – the hours of work undertaken by the clerk were noted.
  6. Planning applications

The following were discussed:

    1. Cedar Garth – request for permission to cross village green for new vehicular access – HDC had approved this application subject to a wayleave/easement being issued by the Parish Council to cross the village green. The Clerk advised that she had sought advice from YLCA and a solicitor needed to be instructed to deal with this matter should approval be given. The matter was discussed and it was RESOLVED to permit the access over the green to be given subject to legal advice for which the householder would be required to pay costs. The Clerk would write to the householder.
    2. 20/01286/TPO - Works to trees subject to a tree preservation order 16/00001/TPO1 - Tilia House Meadow Lane Snape DL8 2TJ – documents regarding this application had already been circulated. The application was considered and it was RESOLVED to advise HDC that the Council had no objections.
    3. 20/02047/OUT - Application for Outline planning permission with some matters reserved (except for access) for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of up to 32 dwellings, with public open space, landscaping, and sustainable drainage system (SuDS) and vehicular access point from The Avenue. - Prices Paving And Tiles Limited, The Manor House Snape DL8 2SZ – There was a general discussion of the application and the possibility of the site being currently polluted with asbestos and the poisonous ingredients of the tantalising process in addition to a buried fuel tank. Due to the impact of this proposed development on the village it was RESOLVED to prepare a newsletter for immediate circulation to draw attention to this planning application and inviting comments from residents by 18 October. The newsletter would also give an update of recent business of the Council. A meeting of the Council would be held on Monday 19 October to ensure comments could be submitted regarding this planning application by the closing date which was understood to be 22 October.
    4. Update on any planning matters received since last meeting – the Clerk advised that the enforcement officer, HDC, had contacted the owner of Rose View to advise that there had been a breach of planning control in regard to the parking provision not being provided on site. The owner had been advised to either apply for planning permission to vary the approved plans or to reinstate the car parking as shown in the approved plans within 28 days. At the expiry of the 28 days HDC would then decide whether an enforcement order would be issued. In discussion it was RESOLVED to write to HDC to stress that the parking spaces were required due to the difficulties of parking in this area especially due to the junctions of Main Street, Ings Lane and Meadow Lane and parking for the school.
  1. General Data Protection Regulations – the Clerk reminded the Councillors of the Records Management Policy and the requirement to delete emails after 6 months. The Clerk also advised that BT, which provided the website for the Council, had advised that the site was not being archived. It was agreed that the Clerk should research a new website provider.

The meeting closed at 8.00 pm

Created: 22/05/2021 / Last Modified: N/A