Minutes 11 May 2020


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Snape with Thorp Parish Council

Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 11 May 2020 at 6.30 pm via Zoom

Present: Councillors John Duck, Liz Watson, Colin Hodges, Sara Pringle and Cllr John Weighell (for item 4)

  1. Apologies for absence – Apologies were received from Richard Poole and Cllr David Webster

  1. Continued use of Zoom – It was RESOLVED that Zoom would be used for today’s meeting and any others required whilst face to face meetings were not possible due to the Coronavirus.

  1. Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.

  1. Report from North Yorkshire County Council – Cllr Weighell updated the Council on the current position regarding Coronavirus in NY and the support the NYCC was providing to nursing and residential homes. He also explained that the Council’s budget had been overspent due to the priority of the pandemic and that this would have a long term effect. He advised that the Locality Budget had been re-launched and was available for projects. Cllr John Duck thanked Cllr Weighell for attending the meeting and for the support given to the Parish Council from the Locality Budget for the works on the bridges which had been well received by residents.

  1. Planning applications –

    1. 20/00746/FUL - Conversion of existing outbuildings to ancillary accommodation - Laurel House Snape DL8 2ST – Papers had already been circulated and were considered. Whilst there were no objections to the development comments would be made regarding the shared lane and visibility and the ancillary nature of the planned changes.

    1. 20/00844/FUL - Construction of oak framed double domestic garage with log storage area to the rear of the dwellinghouse - Snape Cottage Ings Lane Snape DL8 2TQ– Papers had already been circulated and were considered. There were no objections to the development.

    1. NY/2020/0034/SCO - Consultation about EIA Scoping request for extension to Gebdykes Quarry - This planning application had been part of the agenda for the meeting in April which had to be cancelled due to the virus. Whilst the time for commenting had passed it was felt that a comment should be made about the restoration to farm land to make the landscape acceptable.

    1. Update on any planning matters received since last meeting – The Clerk reported that a further planning application had been received and thus a further meeting would be required. The Clerk reported that it had been noted that the times of operation on the Price’s Pavings site had been extended on a number of occasions recently outside those stipulated on the planning approval. It was RESOLVED to raise this with HDC.

  1. Delegated action on on-going business – The Clerk reported that advice from YLCA had suggested that Councils might wish to agree delegated action to permit the Council to continue to function when face to face meetings were not possible. It was RESOLVED not to proceed on this basis.

  1. Finance matters
    1. End of year financial position – a copy had been circulated with the agenda and the Clerk drew attention to the final spend which exceeded £25k meaning a full Audit would be required and was expected to cost £200 plus VAT. The Clerk also advised that 2 repayments remained on the loan.
    2. Pay rate for the Clerk for 2020/21 – Cllr Duck reported that the current rate of pay was low and he proposed an increase to £12 per hour; this was agreed.
    3. Insurance renewal – the renewal notice had been received at a cost of £539.81 which included for the August Bank Holiday event. Cllr Hodges advised that this might not proceed this year due to the virus and social distancing. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk should enquire of the Insurance company whether or not this change would affect the premium.
    4. Audit – the papers were back from the Internal Auditor so would require a formal meeting to sign them off.
  2. Other matters
    1. Spraying of kerbsides – Cllr Duck would spray weedkiller along the kerbsides in the next few days; Cllr Hodges had already sprayed the wall opposite the castle and around the allotment perimeter.
    2. Tape on village seats – Due to comments from residents the village seats had been taped off to stop visitors sitting on them and potentially passing on the virus. However, due to the Prime Minister’s recent announcement that people could now sit outside it was agreed to remove the tape; Cllr Hodges would do so the next day.
    3. Date of next meeting – it was RESOLVED to hold the next meeting on Thursday 28 May at 6.30 using the Zoom platform. It was noted that there was a new update to the software coming out at the end of May.

The meeting closed at 7.20 pm

Created: 22/05/2021 / Last Modified: N/A