Minutes 18 May 2015


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Snape with Thorp Parish Council

Minutes of meeting held on Monday 18 May 2015 in the Schoolroom, Snape Methodist Church.

Present: Councillors John Duck, Jenny Rydzewski, Steven Smith, Terry Warwick, Richard Poole and 1 member of the public

  1. Apologies for absence – Apologies were received from Cllr David Webster.
  2. Election of Chairman – Cllr John Duck was elected Chair.
  3. Welcome of new councillor – Cllr Duck welcomed Cllr Smith to his first meeting as a newly elected councillor.
  4. Declaration of Interest – There were no declarations of interest
  5. Minutes of the meetings held on 31 March 2015 were accepted as a true record.
  6. Matters arising:
    1. Avenue Report: It was RESOLVED to hold an open village consultation meeting in late June/early July to discuss the recent report from Tony Whitehead: Mr Peter Jones, Planning Officer, from HDC Planning Department and Mr Whitehead would be invited to the meeting. A medium/long-term plan for the avenue was required including the protection of the new trees. The clerk advised that a TPO application had been made to fell tree 135 following Mr Whitehead’s confirmation that this was the tree to be removed for immediate H&S reasons. In view of the recent report it was RESOLVED to withdraw the TPO for the removal of low hanging branches.
    2. Outstanding planning matters – A recent e-mail from Mr Jones with respect to all the outstanding planning matters had been circulated to Councillors.
    3. Asset Transfer of the playing field – The Clerk advised that there had been no further progress.
    4. Playing Field signs – Cllr Warwick advised that both playing field signs for the playing field were deteriorating

  1. Financial Matters
    1. Receipts and payments since the last meeting were noted and approved as follows:
      1. Receipts: Bank Interest (March and recently confirmed by receipt of bank statement) – 0.89p; Precept (half year payment) - £2500.
      2. Payments: Proctors Coaches (road signs) - £90; Neil Boynton (installation of defibrillator) - £120; YLCA (subscription) - £118; A Whitehead Associates Ltd (Avenue Tree survey) - £1260; Sarah Lowe (salary) - £71.40; Sarah Lowe (expenses) - £55.85. The cost of the uncontested election was £100; it was RESOLVED to pay this in full and not to pay in instalments.
      3. The balances stood at Current Account £2762.59 and Business Premium Account £4180.84; both accounts were in credit. There was £16768.69 credit held on behalf of the Institute Committee. There was a £20 unpresented cheque from 2014/15 which had been lost by the payee; it was RESOLVED to reissue the cheque if this did not incur bank charges.
    2. The hours worked by the Clerk (28 hours) since the last meeting were noted.
    3. Insurance cover – The Clerk advised that the current Insurer had advised that the premium was £265; this amount could be guaranteed if the Council signed up for a further 2 years (ie 3 year agreement). The Clerk had sought a second estimate which would be £448.56. It was RESOLVED that a local broker should be approached to ascertain if insurance with the same cover could be sought at a lower premium. If not, the current insurance provider would be taken up to avoid any gap in insurance cover and that the offer of a 3 year fixed amount of £265 would be taken.
    4. Final accounts for 2014/15

A statement of the final accounts, copies of which had been circulated with the agenda, were noted and approved.

    1. Submission of final accounts for 2014/15 to the external auditors

The submission to the external auditors, copies of which had been circulated with the agenda, was introduced by the Clerk. The annual governance statement for 2014/15 was completed at the meeting. The documentation was ready for submission to the auditors.

    1. Playing Field finances – It was RESOLVED to allocate £100 for 2015/16 to the Playing Field Committee. It was further RESOLVED that a separate Bank Account under the main Parish Council should be established if this was permissible under regulations covering the PC. It was noted that additional grass cutting would be required once the surface had been improved. Mr Wilkinson had submitted a separate price for mowing the playing field so it would be possible to request additional cuts under the current contract.
    2. Bulb planting – It was RESOLVED that bulbs will be planted in the autumn along the beck sides. Cllr Duck had spoken with Mrs Dianne Johnson about this. It was RESOLVED to write to the school with regard to this and future changes at the school.

  1. Playing Field Committee
    1. Appointment of the membership of the Committee – the current membership – Mr Graham Seel, Mr Roy Le Cornu, Cllr Steven Smith, Cllr Richard Poole and Cllr Jenny Rydzewski – were confirmed in post. As the School had not put forward a replacement member for either place on the Committee it was RESOLVED to change the constitution to remove the second School member and also the member for the Snape Playing Field Preservation Group as this no longer existed.
    2. Meeting of 13 May – Cllr Poole provided a verbal report of the recent Playing Field Committee meeting. Following further liaison with the chosen equipment provider the expected cost of the developments would be around £27k plus VAT and the surface provider around £30k plus VAT. A meeting was to be held with Nicky Smith regarding the funding mechanisms. The payment of VAT in anticipation of this being refunded was an issue to be resolved. Cllr Warwick commented that the PC should not underwrite the VAT until reimbursed. It was RESOLVED to contact the Neville’s Trust which had offered to support the replacement of equipment.

It was REOLVED that the residents on Beech Close should be consulted about the proposed improvements.

The dyke at the south of the field was to be cleaned out and Cllrs Poole and Rydzewski would meet with Mr Hare on site to finalise arrangements. The work would be done between crops. Concern had been raised about whether this work would create a pond in the area but it was not considered this was likely.

  1. Transparency and Openness

A YLCA guidance note on the above which had been circulated with the agenda was noted. The Clerk advised that the HDC was to change on 1 July and was unlikely to be available for use by the PC. The Clerk suggested that having a website for the PC only should be considered; it was RESOLVED that she should explore possibilities.

  1. Asset Register – the Clerk had prepared an updated asset register; this was discussed and agreed.
  2. Risk Assessment – the Clerk had prepared an updated risk assessment; this was discussed and agreed.
  3. Financial resolutions – the Financial Resolutions had be circulated with the agenda and were accepted unchanged.
  4. Report from Cllr David Webster – a report from Cllr Webster had been circulated with the agenda and was noted.
  5. Annual Open Meeting – there were no items requiring consideration at the PC meeting from the annual open meeting.
  6. Speed of tractors in the village – it was noted that tractors were travelling through the village at speed; Cllr Poole would speak to the drivers.

The meeting closed at 9:30 pm

Created: 23/05/2021 / Last Modified: N/A