Minutes 23 July 2015


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Snape with Thorp Parish Council

Minutes of meeting held on Thursday 23 July 2015 in the Snape Methodist Church.

Present: Councillors John Duck, Jenny Rydzewski, Steven Smith, Terry Warwick, Richard Poole District Councillor David Webster, PCSO Heather Macpherson and 5 member of the public

  1. Declaration of Interest – There were no declarations of interest
  2. Minutes of the meetings held on 18 May 2015 were accepted as a true record.
  3. Matters arising:
    1. Avenue Report - it was considered that the open meeting had been successful with the opportunity for Mr Whitehead to present his report and with open discussion by the residents attending. It was agreed that the next step was to seek a view via a questionnaire from all parishioners on three options:
      1. To remove the old avenue in its totality
      2. To partly remove trees and then possibly to replant in the gaps
      3. To undertake maintenance only.

Each option would be fully explained so the parishioners could make an informed decision.

Cllr Duck and the Clerk would meet to draft a letter to share with the other Councillors for agreement before distribution. It was RESOLVED that the questionnaire would be provided to each parishioner on the electoral roll. Cllr Webster advised that the Parish Council needed to develop a plan identify what would be undertaken each year as this would assist with the engagement with Hambleton District Council. In view of the approach the previously submitted TPO applications had been withdrawn.

    1. Outstanding planning matters – Cllr Webster was provided with the current position on a number of outstanding planning matters. Cllr Webster agreed to follow these matters up with the planning department.
    2. Asset Transfer of the playing field – The Clerk advised that there had been a delay by the Solicitors due to personal circumstances. Recently, there had been a request made by the Solicitors to the HDC Legal Team for confirmation of the access across a small area to the western edge of Beech Close. Confirmation was required to be submitted to the Land Registry to confirm that this access had been used for numerous years; it was RESOLVED that Cllr Duck would sign the necessary statement. The Solicitors had indicated that once this was organised the asset transfer would progress soon.
    3. Transparency and Openness – the Clerk advised that a letter had been received from HDC advising that the web page facility for the Council would no longer be available from 1 July. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk should establish a website for the Parish Council, possibly using the BT site which was used for a number of local parish councils.
    4. Insurance Cover – Alternative insurance cover had been investigated but the Came and Company premium was the lowest identified and so had been taken up for the current year and a further two years at the same fixed rate.

  1. Policing matters – PCSO Heather Macpherson provided a report on current policing matters. In discussion PCSO Macpherson agreed to clarify the position regarding drug testing for car drivers.
  2. Financial Matters
    1. Receipts and payments since the last meeting were noted and approved as follows:
      1. Receipts: HDC - £858 – for reimbursement of part of the Avenue survey; HMRC - £297.79 – for reimbursement of VAT.
      2. Payments: HDC - £100 – election costs; Snape Methodist Church - £40 – hire for two meetings; S Lowe - £65.30 and £52.70 – salary; S Lowe - £31.40 – expenses; HMRC - £125.60 – tax; Broker Network Ltd - £265.00 – insurance premium.
      3. The balances stood at Current Account £1965.86 and Business Premium Account £4181.40; both accounts were in credit. There was £16768.69 credit held on behalf of the Institute Committee.
    2. The hours worked by the Clerk (28 hours) in the last two months were noted.
    3. Clerk’s salary – it was noted that this had not increased for a number of years. It was RESOLVED that the hourly rate should increase with effect from the current month to £8. It was further RESOLVED that the pay of the Clerk should be discussed on an annual basis.

  1. Playing Field Committee
    1. Membership of the Committee – it was noted that letters of resignation had been received from Mr Graham Seel and Mr Roy Le Cornu; these had been circulated to the Parish Councillors. The remaining members of the Committee were now all Parish Councillors. There was discussion about whether or not to leave the Committee in existence. It was RESOLVED that the three Councillors would remain as a separate Committee and additional members of the Committee should be sought. The Clerk reminded the Council of the constitution for the Committee that required that formal meetings were published and held openly and that funding applications had to be shared with the Parish Council before submission.
    2. Funding – Cllr Poole advised that funding for the playing field surface would be made to Awards for All; a draft application was to be prepared and submitted to Nicky Smith, for her advice, within two weeks. Awards for All decisions were normally made within 6 weeks of submission; no quotation was required to accompany the application. If successful the work could commence in early spring. An application would be made to Yorventure for the playing equipment but 10% matched funding was required for submission; the funding coming with the Asset Transfer would support this. An application would also be made for a West Tanfield Tour de France grant of £1k. It was hoped to purchase a mower as part of the application to Awards for All. It was noted that the proceeds from the recent coffee morning had been £489.65 less the Institute hire and £11 for the repair to the goal posts which Mrs Seel had organised. The Committee was thanked for their work.
    3. Consultation with the residents of Beech Close – Cllr Rydzewski was to commence this shortly.
    4. Cleaning of the ditch – following viewing on site with the contractor of the work to be undertaken it had been decided that this was too extensive and would be too costly for the Parish Council to undertake. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk should write to Sir John Ropner’s agent to this effect.

  1. Grasscutting and village maintenance – letters, copies of which had already been circulated, had been received from 2 parishioners and their comments were discussed. It was agreed that the standard was not comparable with the previous contractor, although improvements had been made. It had been agreed to permit spraying around trees and village furniture to reduce the cost of strimming. It was RESOLVED to ask Mr Wilkinson to clean the beck and cut the becksides. As this was the second year of the 2 year contract consideration was given to the tendering process. It was RESOLVED to clarify the costs of placing an advert in the D&S Times in mid-September to invite tenders.

  1. Removal of weed from the beck – A letter had been received expressing concern about the removal of the weed in the beck and its effect on the waterlife including the potential illegal movement and destruction of native crayfish. It was noted that the Environmental Agency had advised that there were no known sightings of native crayfish and any crayfish would be American Crayfish which were not protected. This information would be fed back to the individual who had raised this matter. It was noted that the reason for the removal of the weed was to avoid a potential flood hazard.

  1. Signs for the Avenue re horse riding – There was discussion about whether or not signs should be placed at the ends of the avenue asking horse riders not to ride on the grass. It was considered that the surface had not been too disturbed by the current horse riding and notices were not required.

  1. Well Graveyard – an e-mail had been received from a resident of Well parish regarding issues associated with the graveyard at Well. David Webster, in his role as Church Warden at Well, advised that the gravestones were laid down when they were found to be loose on the advice from the Diocese. There was currently on-going communications with residents about grasscutting. The Parish Council noted these points but did not consider that this was an issue for Council consideration being an issue for the Parochial Church Council.

  1. Report from the Parish Liaison meeting – Cllr Rydzewski reported on the recent Parish Liaison Meeting including changes to recycling services which would occur in February and the forthcoming update to the district development plan.

  1. Correspondence – the Clerk drew attention to recently received correspondence.

The meeting closed at 9:30 pm

Created: 23/05/2021 / Last Modified: N/A