Minutes 23 March 2016


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Snape with Thorp Parish Council

Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday 23 March 2016 in the Snape Village Institute.

Present: Councillors John Duck, Jenny Rydzewski, Steven Smith, Terry Warwick, Richard Poole, District Councillor David Webster, PCSO Heather MacPherson and 15 members of the public

  1. Apologies: County Councillor John Weighell
  2. Declaration of Interest – There were no declarations of interest
  3. Minutes of the meetings held on 26 January 2016 were accepted as a true record.
  4. Matters arising:
    1. Grass cutting – Cllr Duck advised that the Parish Councillors had received and considered the three tenders and also references in respect of all three tenderers. It had been agreed to proceed with Farm and Land Services of Knaresborough. This company had undertaken a first cut.
    2. Highways – The PC had asked the Highways Department to cleanse certain drains and this had occurred. In addition, due to road markings made in various places in the village, the surface improvements requested should be occurring shortly. Further works had been undertaken in Ings Lane outside Swingletree but further works were still required.
  5. Police report – PCSO Heather MacPherson introduced the policing report covering the period since the last meeting.
  6. Hambleton Local Plan – The Clerk advised that Clare-Louise Booth, Planning Policy & Conservation Officer, HDC, had not been able to attend tonight’s meeting but had offered to attend a future meeting. It was RESOLVED to invite Ms Booth to the Open Parish Meeting.
  7. Playing Field
    1. Funding – The Clerk advised that an application to access the £5k associated with the Asset Transfer had been submitted.
    2. Further funding – Cllr Smith advised that there was no further information to report re the application for additional funding from Awards for All.
  8. Avenue

Cllr Duck summarised the position with regard to a second survey and it was noted that £1406.56 had been donated for this survey and passed to the PC. There was discussion of the survey, possible tree specialist to undertake this survey and approach. It was confirmed that the second survey should be undertaken along the same lines as the first survey so that the two could be compared. A quote would be required to identify the cost of the second survey to ensure this could be afforded within the funding donated. It was stressed that the PC did not have infinite resources and regular works on the trees would mean that other things in the village would not be funded.

A further document had been produced by Mr Whitehead following his aerial view of the trees, this indicated that for H&S reasons 6 trees should be felled and major works were required on a large number of other trees. This report would be posted on the PC’s website.

Cllr Webster congratulated the PC on its consultative approach and the efforts it had taken to canvas the views of parishioners.

  1. Financial Matters
    1. Receipts and payments since the last meeting were noted and approved as follows:
      1. Receipts: HMRC (refund of VAT) - £1010.80; Bank interest – 0.35; Snape Avenue fund - £1406.56
      2. Payments: Sarah Lowe – Salary - £43.20, £64.80; Expenses - £24.43; Snape Methodist Church for room hire - £40; Commission and Bank charges - £30.65
      3. The balances stood at Current Account £2,632.79 and Business Premium Account £2,323.40. There was £21,153.26 credit held on behalf of the Institute Committee.
    2. The hours worked by the Clerk (19 hours) for the last two months were noted.
    3. YLCA subscription - it was RESOLVED to renew the subscription at a cost of £124.00.
    4. Government funding for smaller authorities – the Clerk reported that funding of £811.67 had been awarded to the PC to purchase a lap top, Microsoft office software, and a printer and, in addition, to fund the Clerk’s time in establishing and maintaining the internet site. It was RESOLVED that the clerk should proceed with the purchase of the equipment and software.
    5. Internal Auditor – Mrs Clare Elsworth had agreed to act as the internal auditor. This was noted and agreed.
    6. Pension Scheme for PC – the PC was now required to establish a pension scheme for its employee. However, the Clerk had written advising that she would not wish to join a pension scheme and following advice from YLCA it was identified that there was no necessity to set up a pension scheme.
  2. Annual Open Parish Meeting – Provisional dates in April were identified for the Annual Open Parish meeting
  3. Emergency Plan – Cllr Rydzewski advised that further progress had been made in finalising the plan. An box containing items to be used in an emergency situation had been delivered and was now stored in the Institute.
  4. Affordable Housing - Amanda Madden, Housing Enabler, had advised that a piece of land had been identified in Thornton Watlass for possible affordable housing. Such housing would be available to residents and workers in local parishes, including Snape with Thorp. However, a needs survey would be required and she had sought assistance in distributing the questionnaire to each household. It was agreed to support distribution in the village but to provide addresses for outlying farms and housing so Ms Madden could distribute these by post.
  5. Dog waste bin – Cllr Duck had investigated the cost of a combined dog waste and litter bin which would cost £190 plus VAT. Confirmation that a combined bin would meet HDC requirements would be sought.
  6. Bulb planting – in response to a question for a parishioner, Cllr Duck advised that 400 daffodil bulbs had been planted on the side of the beck in autumn with the help of school children

The meeting closed at 9:15 pm

Created: 23/05/2021 / Last Modified: N/A