8 June 2016 - Minutes


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Snape with Thorp Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 8 June 2016 in the Snape Village Institute.

Present: Councillors John Duck, Steven Smith, Jenny Rydzewski, Terry Warwick, Richard Poole, District Councillor David Webster, and 5 members of the public

  1. Apologies: County Councillor John Weighell
  2. Declaration of Interest – Cllr Duck declared an interest in relation to future planning as he was tenant of land put forward to Hambleton DC for future development.
  3. Minutes of the meetings held on 11 May, copies of which had been circulated with the agenda, were accepted as a correct record.
  4. Avenue
    1. Invoice from Mr Barnes – it was noted that the invoice from Mr Barnes had been received and was £1400 plus £280 VAT; this had been processed for payment. The Parish Council had previously agreed to fund the VAT until reclaimed.
    2. Helen Laws, Planning Officer, had approached the PC to clarify what the position of the Council was in relation to the TPO application now that Mr Barnes’ report had been received. Cllr Webster advised the application was scheduled to be considered by the HDC Planning Committee on 21 July; he would not be at this committee meeting but was happy to submit a written report.

  1. was a full discussion of the differences between the two reports (ie that of Mr Whitehead and that of Mr Barnes) and the approach to be taken as a consequence. Parishioners present were invited to comment during the discussion.

Following full consideration it was RESOLVED, on a majority vote, to proceed with the advice received by Mr Whitehead. The Council felt that to meet insurance obligations it could not do other than follow the advice of Mr Whitehead and submitted to HDC under the TPO application. It was the Councillors’ responsibility to protect walkers and drivers using the avenue and to fail to respond to Mr Whitehead’s advice would be to abdicate that responsibility.

The Clerk would draft a response to Helen Laws for approval by Cllr Duck.

    1. Works on the smaller trees – Cllr Duck advised that works to raise the crowns of the new trees could be undertaken in June and would be covered by the grant from NYCC. It was RESOLVED to proceed with this work as HDC planning department had confirmed that the new trees were not covered by the TPO.

  1. Financial Matters
    1. Receipts and payments – the following were noted
  • Receipts – There had been no receipts since the last meeting.

  • Payments – Came & Company (insurance) - £273.75; Steven Smith (reimbursement of the cost of photocopying papers for the Playing Field Committee) - £13.20; and S Lowe (salary) - £81.60.

As at 26 May 2016 the bank balances stood at:

Current account - £5093.71

Deposit account - £2632.79

Institute Committee account - £21,153.26

A summary, a copy of which had been circulated with the agenda, outlined the payments and receipts reconciled with the bank accounts.

    1. Hours of work by the Clerk – it was noted that the Clerk had undertaken 17 hours work in April.

  1. Grass cutting – Further works had been undertaken in the village, including strimming of the avenue, and this had been well received. It was RESOLVED to ask for a further cut in preparation for the Open Gardens weekend.

  1. Playing Field Committee –
    1. Minutes of recent meetings – the minutes of meetings held on 11 May and 25 May, copies of which had already been circulated, were received for information.
    2. Cllr Smith as Chair of the Committee advised that at the meeting on 25 May, Joanna Sweirs had offered to revise the funding application ready for submission. It was RESOLVED that the application should be circulated electronically to all members of the Parish Council before it was submitted to the funder.

District Council Webster advised that a grant might be available via the “Making a Difference” funding from HDC which was allocated out to the 5 Market Town areas. However, the funds could not be made available to the Parish Council but would have to go to a community group. The Playing Field Committee would give consideration to the forming of a CVA again.

Cllr Smith and Cllr Rydzewski had reviewed in detail the equipment in the playing field as the weekly checks had raised some concerns. It was noted that the next Rospa review of the playing field would occur in September. The previous report for 2015 would be reviewed and a view taken once the new report was received in September about any remedial action needed.

  1. 6-montly review of the village

Cllrs Duck and Rydzewski had undertaken their 6-monthly review of the village.

  • Erosion of the verges was an issue noted especially by Carricks. This area would be kept under review.
  • The overgrown nature of the garden at No 3 Neville Row had been noted. It was agreed to write to Broadacres.
  • There were 2 bridges in need of painting. Cllrs Smith and Warwick offered to undertake this work. The Parish Council would pay for paint and brushes.

  1. Risk Assessment

A document had been circulated with the agenda; the changes agreed at the last meeting had been made.

The meeting closed at 8:50 pm

Created: 23/05/2021 / Last Modified: N/A