13 February 2017 - Minutes


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Snape with Thorp Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 13 February 2017 in the Schoolroom, Snape Methodist Church.

Present: Councillors John Duck, Terry Warwick, Steven Smith, Jenny Rydzewski, District Cllr David Webster and one member of the public

  1. Chairman – In the absence of Cllr Duck, Cllr Smith chaired the meeting for items 1 to 4 inclusive. Cllr Duck took the Chair from item 5 onwards.
  2. Declaration of Interest – None
  3. Apologies – Apologies were received from Cllr Richard Poole and County Cllr John Weighell
  4. Minutes of the meetings held on 14 December, copies of which had been circulated with the agenda, were accepted as a correct record. The Clerk apologised for the incorrect spelling of Cllr Rydzewski’s surname on the agenda.
  5. Matters Arising
    1. Loan approval process – The Clerk reported that an application had been made for a loan of £4k over 4 years as agreed at the last meeting and approval had been given by the Secretary of State on 12 January. The application had been made to the Public Works Loan Board (PWLB) on 18 January but had not yet been concluded as the PWLB required Bank documentation to be changed to read Snape with Thorp Parish Council (not Snape Parish Council). Cllr Warwick had received a new cheque book with this change that morning and the appropriate documents would now be resubmitted to the PWLB.
    2. Works to the Avenue – It was RESOLVED to ask Oliver’s Tree Services to commence these works on 27 February. Cllr Duck had offered for brash and smaller branches to be left on his farm to help reduce costs. Residents would be welcome to remove any of this wood from his farm if they so wished. Oliver’s Tree Services would be asked to grind out the old stumps left from previous felling in the avenue.

The Clerk reported that HDC had recently confirmed the TPO on the avenue of young trees.

    1. Stones in the beck side – A resident had raised a potential H&S risk with the stones recently placed on the sides of the beck to shore up these area. He felt that the stones could fall and hit children playing in the beck. Cllr Duck had spoken to the residents involved to alert them to these potential risks.

Mr Woodhouse had written to the PC about replacing the bridge by his house to reinforced concrete slabs as this would remove the steel girders ensuring better water clearance when the beck was in flood. The PCllrs had indicated this was acceptable so Cllr Duck had advised Mr Woodhouse he could proceed but he would need to assure the PC that the reinforced concrete was strong enough for this function.

In discussion concerning the beck and flooding, it was RESOLVED that a letter should be sent to Sir Henry Ropner’s agent asking that the beck in the field opposite the Castle be cleansed as this was overgrown with weed which, when disturbed by flooding, clogged up the beck in the village area causing a flood risk.

It was noted that the weed in the beck behind Neville’s Row had been cut back as previously requested by the PC.

  1. Policing report – no Police Officer was available to attend the meeting. A report had been received, had been circulated and its contents noted. Sgt Perrin had offered advice should the PC wish to be involved with the Big Spring Clean in early March. There was not considered to be a rubbish issue in Snape so there would be no requirement to be involved in this Spring Clean innovative.
  2. Financial Matters
    1. Receipts and payments – the following were noted

Receipts – Bank interest - £0.33

Payments – MFJ Land Management - £828.00; S Lowe (salary) - £88.80; HMRC - £166.40

Bank accounts as at 2 February 2017

Current account – £5056.08

Deposit account - £2633.78

Deposit account re Institute - £13219.54

A summary, a copy of which had been circulated with the agenda, outlined the payments and receipts reconciled with the bank accounts.

    1. Hours of work by the Clerk – it was noted that the Clerk had undertaken 28 hours work since the last meeting.
    2. Internal Auditor – a replacement internal auditor was required. The Clerk would approach a resident who was suggested at the meeting.
    3. Donation to the Bedale Community Library – a letter, which had previously been circulated, seeking a donation from the PC was considered. It was RESOLVED to make a donation of £25.
  1. Highways
    1. Works on the road to Bedale – the PC had received notification that repairs would be undertaken at the end of January. These works had not happened so the Clerk was asked to write for an update.
    2. White lining – there was no requirement for improvements to the white lines in the village at present.
    3. Winter gritting route – a letter would be sent again asking that the NYCC Highways Department consider a change of gritting route in the village to improve the situation at the school and Salmon Lane.
    4. Institute footpath – it was agreed that this was deteriorating and it was RESOLVED that advice should be sought about the best approach to improve the situation; Cllr Duck would seek advice.
  2. Replacement Sandbags

Cllr Duck reported that he had taken delivery of 12 boxes of “Floodsaxs” which HDC had provided. These swelled when they got wet and could be used interspersed with the usual sandbags. He invited PCllrs to take a box each and those households which had experienced flooding in the past would be offered a box each. An announcement would also be made at the Open Meeting about their availability.

  1. Playing Field Committee –
    1. Minutes of recent meeting – the draft minutes of the meeting held on 18 January, copies of which had already been circulated, were received for information. Cllr Smith advised that all the funding was now available to cover the cost of the ground works including the VAT charges. These works would commence in March/April. A letter had been prepared to deliver to each household at Beech Close to explain the works to be undertaken and advising on the timescale. Cllr Rydzewski had offered to hand deliver these letters.
    2. Car access to the playing field – There was discussion about the approach to car usage of the playing field given that it was used for parking at eg the Fun Run. It was RESOLVED that no cars should use or park on the playing field as otherwise there was a H&S risk to those playing in the field and also a potential damage to the costly works being undertaken. The letter to the residents at Beech Close would make this point clear and the Clerk would contact the organisers of the Fun Run and Open Gardens event to advise this would be the case. It was suggested that an alternative car park, subject to owner and tenant approval, might be the field opposite the Castle.
  2. Half yearly check of the village

Cllrs Rydzewski and Duck reported on their recent check of the village which had highlighted the following issues:

  • Drains on Watery Lane by Kingskell which needed cleaning out;
  • The very poor surface of the highway at the west end of Meadow Lane;
  • A new footpath sign was required for Cherry Tree Close footpath
  • The verge drains which fall into the beck outside Lilac Cottage were crushed but still serviceable;
  • Weeds on the wall opposite the castle needed spraying to remove;
  • Molehills in the avenue and playing field – a letter would be sent to Land and Farm Services to thank them for the high quality of grass cutting work in 2016 and to seek their advice on this matter;
  • The beck was looking very clean of weed at present;
  • Three stakes at the end of the avenue which were rotten would be replaced by Cllr Duck;
  • The small tree at the top on the south side of the avenue which had been recently damaged would need to be monitored;
  • The notices for the pub at the end of the avenue were close to the roadside and should be moved back – Cllr Duck would speak to the publican on this matter; and
  • The tree on the green opposite Pennybeck was covered with ivy which needed cutting back – Cllr Smith would look at this.

The notice on the green for the playing field had been removed due to its deterioration; the one on the institute was also in a poor state and could also be removed. Replacement notices were required and it was RESOLVED that the Clerk should clarify who had produced the sign at the top of the green which had remained in good order for many years. The problems above would be brought to the attention of Highways and Public Rights of Way as appropriate.

Cllr Smith advised that he had painted the posts; Cllr Duck would look at these with a view to the remainder of the posts being purchased and put in place at the beck side verge.

Cllr Smith reported that the edges of the green with the monument on it were being eroded by vehicles. It was agreed that the remaining reflector posts could be used here.

  1. Membership of the Institute Committee – It was noted that the following currently represented the PC on village charities:
    1. Institute Committee – Sarah Lowe. It was agreed that this would be renewed for a further year.
    2. United Charities (Alms houses) – John Duck and Sarah Lowe
    3. Neville’s Trust – Andrew Abel
  2. Dog Dirt

The Clerk advised that a number of parishioners had mentioned the problem of dog dirt in the village. It was RESOLVED that a letter should be prepared which would also draw attention to the Council’s emergency plan, the changes to the playing field and how to access the defibrillator. The Clerk was also asked to contact the Dog Warden service to see if resources were available to include in this letter.

  1. Consultation by NYCC on footpaths

NYCC was currently consulting on changes to the way in which they managed footpaths. This consultation closed in mid-March. It was RESOLVED that a hard copy of the documentation should be circulated around the PCllrs as the consultation suggested a changed role for parish councils.

  1. Annual Open Meeting

PCllrs were asked to advise the Clerk of their availability for this meeting to be held in April.

The meeting closed at 9.10 pm

Created: 23/05/2021 / Last Modified: N/A