Minutes 4 December


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Snape with Thorp Parish Council

Minutes of a meeting of the Snape with Thorp Parish Council held on Wednesday 4 December 2019 in the Snape Methodist Church


Present: Councillors John Duck, Richard Poole, Liz Watson, Colin Hodges, Sara Pringle, Cllr David Webster and PCSO Heather Lees (for item 5)

  1. Apologies for absence – None received
  2. Declaration of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.
  3. Minutes of the meeting held on 23 October, copies of which had been circulated with the agenda, were accepted as a correct record subject to the amendment of the second sentence of item 7b to read: In discussion it was noted that an approach to clearing the beck without weed killer should be incorporated in the tender document alongside the use of physical removal of weed by cutting of the weed; it was possible that residents would be prepared to clean out the beck rather than the tenderer.
  4. Matters Arising
    1. Bridges – The works on the bridges had commenced. The builder wanted to allow the concrete to set completely due to the depth of concrete and the need to fix the metal railings into the concrete. The builder had ensured that the finished height of the bridge replicated the previous clearance between the beck and the bottom of the bridge. The hand rails would be finished with a coating of white which might require painting in the spring. Cllr Poole would review current regulations to clarify whether or not a bottom plate to the new railings was required. The Clerk reminded the Council that the two grants would need to spent before March.
    2. Response from Highways – Since the response from Highways had been received and circulated works had been undertaken to rectify the issue on the east end of Ings Lane. However, a further leak that occurred higher up Ings Lane. The house occupant had contacted Highways and the drains were to be flushed out. Reports had been received of a further leak in wet weather at the top of the avenue. This would be raised with Highways.
    3. Works vehicles at Cedar Garth – there were still issues regarding the number of vehicles parking on the side of the road. The Clerk would again speak to the site foreman.
    4. Emergency Planning event - The Clerk had spoken with the Emergency and Resilience team to clarify the arrangements for such an event. It was RESOLVED to hold an event one Thursday evening in March to involve the Council members and Jenny Rydewski. The Clerk would action this.
    5. Avenue – An updated report had been received from the Arborist and this had identified other works to be undertaken including the felling of the top tree on the southern field side and works to three trees in the village. It was RESOLVED to apply for TPO and Conservation Area works approval to undertake these works. It was further RESOLVED to purchase a new tree to replace the felled tree. The current contractor would be asked to provide a price for undertaking the works necessary.
  5. Policing matters – PCSO Heather Lees attended the meeting and presented an update on policing matters in the locality. PC Norman advised on a number of measures to keep property safe during with winter months including a free property marking service. PCSO Lees would send information on both to the Clerk so these could be included in the forthcoming Newsletter.
  6. Fatal Accident on Kings Kell – The accident report had been received and circulated to the Councillors. This was discussed. It was RESOLVED to meet with the NYCC representative as soon as possible; the Clerk would organise this meeting. The Council would request that at least chevrons were positioned on Kings Kell.
  7. Financial Matters
    1. Budget Setting and Precept for 2020/21

The Clerk presented a paper, copies of which had been circulated, which showed the budget for 2019/20 and the current and expected position against this. The paper also proposed a budget for 2020/21. The paper was discussed and it was RESOLVED to increase some items to better reflect expected expenditure to arrive at a precept of £8095.

    1. Receipts: HDC Half-year precept - £3900; NYCC grass cutting - £310.37
    2. Payments: Sarah Lowe (salary) £79.20; Sarah Lowe (expenses) £41.16 (for newsletter); Snape Methodist Church (room hire) £20; Citizen’s Advice - £25; Great North Air Ambulance £25; Yorkshire Air Ambulance £25; Royal British Legion £25; Farm and Land Services £512.40
    3. Bank accounts as at 29 November 2019

Current account – £10605.23

Deposit account – £2643.45

Deposit account re Institute - £9732.77

    1. Hours worked by the Clerk: The following hours were noted: October – 11 hours; November – 16 hours 30 mins
  1. Playing Field Committee – Formal Opening Event – the event had been a success with a number of residents present.
  2. Friarage Consultation – the Clerk reported on a letter received with an offer from Hambleton, Richmondshire and Whitby CCG for a meeting regarding the Friarage Consultation, which due to the General Election, was now extended to 17 January. It was RESOLVED to arrange a meeting for Thursday 9 January.
  3. Warm Up Hambleton – communication had been received regarding this initiative and had been previously circulated. It was RESOLVED to clarify when this initiative would roll out into our area and to include details in the current or a future Newsletter.
  4. Planning matters

The Clerk advised that no further planning matters had arisen.

  1. Parish Council newsletter – A newsletter would be prepared covering a number of topics including the communications from the police report, the Friarage Consultation meeting, the site visit to Kings Kell, trees and hedges overhanging the footpath.
  2. Exclusion of the public from the meeting – it was REOLVED to exclude members of the public and press during the discussion of the next item.
  3. Grass cutting tender – The Clerk had prepared a summary of the information submitted which was discussed. It was RESOLVED to accept the tender from Farm and Land Services for the two year period 2020 and 2021.

The meeting ended at 8.20pm.

Created: 24/05/2021 / Last Modified: N/A