Snape with Thorp Parish Council
Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday 6 August 2020 at 7.30 pm via Zoom
Present: Councillors John Duck, Liz Watson and Colin Hodges.
- Apologies for absence – Apologies were received from Richard Poole, Sara Pringle, Cllr John Weighell and Cllr David Webster
- Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.
- Minutes of the meetings held on 28 May (copies of which had already been circulated) were accepted as a true record. The Chairman would meet with the Clerk to formally sign off the minutes.
- Matters arising
- Bridges – Cllr Duck reported on a meeting held with representatives of the Highways Department to consider flood alleviation measures at the Marina Bridge and repairs to the bridge in the Mires. This had been a promising meeting; further information was awaited from Highways.
- Highways matters – safety measures at Kings Kell. A response had been received from the NYCC Traffic Engineering Team Leader advising that NYCC had undertaken the measures required following the fatal accident last autumn. However, the officer had not ruled out locally funded measures. In discussion it was RESOLVED to write to Sir Henry Ropner to enquire if it might be possible to place bollards in the wooded area on Kings Kell.
- Financial Matters – these items were deferred to the next meeting.
- Planning applications –
- 20/01545/FUL - Construction of a single storey double garage to front (south) elevation, single storey garden room extension to rear (north) elevation, installation of one window at ground floor of east elevation, one door at ground floor of west elevation and the provision of conservation roof lights in north and west facing roof slopes - Snape Castle Barn Snape – It was RESOLVED to approve this application.
- 20/01460/FUL - Demolition of existing dwelling and associated buildings and proposed construction of 3 new build detached dwellings - Howden Hill Ings Lane Snape - It was RESOLVED to reject the scheme as submitted but to indicate that the Council would consider an application for a smaller development. The reasons for rejection were –
- the removal of the current house, which is a property of some character, would change the nature of the linear design of housing in the vicinity;
- proposed property 1 is sited closer to the footpath than the current property which is proposed to be demolished – it would be more appropriate to build on the footprint of the current property;
- the new entry to these three properties will be directly next to the pedestrian access to the school which the Parish Council considers will be potentially dangerous for school users;
- that this is an area of the village which can be affected by parking issues during school term time and additional vehicles during the development of the site and on a longer term would add to these issues; and
- additional housing would add to the on-going sewage problems as the current sewage system does not have the capacity to cope during wet weather.
It was RESOLVED to check with HDC that the School/Education Authority has been consulted on this proposed development.
During discussion of parking issues it was RESOLVED to ask the Clerk to check the approval of Rose View to clarify if parking spaces for those using the holiday accommodation was included in the planning process and to liaise with HDC Planning Department as necessary.
- 20/01516/FUL - New vehicular access from Meadow Lane to Cedar Garth - Cedar Garth Meadow Lane Snape – It was RESOLVED to reject this application. The reasons for rejection were
- that this area of the village is already a safety concern due to the narrowing at the junction of Meadow Lane with main street and the bend in the road at this junction. This additional access would add to the safety issues, there having already been a number of near misses in this vicinity;
- the Council considers that there is an excellent and safer access point to Cedar Garth already ie the current access point. The current access has better visibility and easier turning in than the proposed new entrance. The existing access is far wider than the proposed entrance. There have been no reports of safety issues with the present access.
It is noted that the Householder application refers in question 6 that 1 tree is within falling distance of the development and that this is indicated on plan 2 – the Parish Council could not see where this was marked. In the same section the applicant has answered no to the need to remove hedge or trees for this development; would some works not be necessary to hedge or trees to widen the access from pedestrian to vehicle use at this position?
It was also noted that the proposed access would cross village green and would involve a further loss of village green. The proposed access would, therefore, require a prior application to the Parish Council for approval to cross the village green.
The meeting closed at 7.40 pm