Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Snape with Thorp Parish Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 29, you are viewing 10 - 19


address Lowlands Bungalow Ings Lane Snape Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2TQ
description Application for extension to existing garage/workshop to create new domestic storage area
area Hambleton
start date 16/08/2023
decision Granted - 11/10/2023


address Tilia House Meadow Lane Snape Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2TJ
description Works to a tree with a TPO ref 16/0001/TPO1
area Hambleton
start date 16/08/2023
decision Granted - 14/09/2023


address Brook Cottage Snape Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2TR
description Works to a tree in a Conservation Area- works to a Beech tree
area Hambleton
start date 14/08/2023
decision Granted - 19/09/2023


address Weavers Cottage Ings Lane Snape Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2TF
description Alterations to existing rear courtyard extension to create proposed sun-room and to create a wider front porch.
area Hambleton
start date 09/06/2023
decision Granted - 07/08/2023


address Fernlea Meadow Lane Snape Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2TD
description Construction of a timber clad home office building in the rear garden
area Hambleton
start date 05/06/2023
decision Granted - 31/07/2023


address Blacksmiths Cottage Snape Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2TW
description Application for listed building consent for the removal of a concrete floor and replace with limecrete floor, repairs and restoration to external wall to expose features
area Hambleton
start date 22/05/2023
decision Granted - 17/07/2023


address The Riddings Snape Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2TW
description Single storey rear extension to form an enlarged bedroom.
area Hambleton
start date 05/04/2023
decision Granted - 30/05/2023


address Howden Hill Ings Lane Snape Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2TF
description Application for discharge Conditions 3 (material samples), 4 (prevention of surface water discharging onto existing highway), 5 (road access details), 6 (visibility splays), 7 (parking and turning area details), 8 (construction management plan), 9 (foul and surface water drainage details), 13 (detailed cross sections through site showing existing and proposed levels)
area Hambleton
start date 10/03/2023
decision Granted - 16/08/2023


address Tilia House Meadow Lane Snape Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2TJ
description Works to fell a tree with a TPO
area Hambleton
start date 08/03/2023
decision Refused - 03/05/2023


address Tilia House Meadow Lane Snape Bedale North Yorkshire DL8 2TJ
description Works to fell a dangerous tree with a TPO
area Hambleton
start date 08/03/2023
decision Refused - 15/03/2023