Minutes 18 July


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Snape with Thorp Parish Council

Minutes of a meeting of the Snape with Thorp Parish Council held on Thursday 18 July 2019 in the Snape Institute


Present: Councillors John Duck, Richard Poole, Liz Watson, Colin Hodges and Sara Pringle

  1. Apologies for absence – Cllr D Webster
  2. Declaration of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.
  3. Minutes of the meetings held on 9 May, 4 June and 26 June, copies of which had been circulated with the agenda, were accepted as a correct record.
  4. Matters Arising
    1. Bridges – Cllrs Duck and Poole had had a site meeting with the contractors for the bridges and ironwork and had agreed the approach in view of new regulations concerning bridge heights and timings for the work. It was hoped to reuse the metalwork from the bridge by the Lyme Houses. The final stage of the bat survey needed to be undertaken; Cllr Poole would contact the ecologist for this to occur soon.
    2. Services at the Friarage Hospital - Petition – the Clerk reported on the cost (£80.35) for organising the petition and the responses representing around 44% of the households in the village and total number of responses being 379. The petition had been submitted to the Trust, to the local MP, local County Councillor and the Chair of the Health Scrutiny Committee. A response had been received from the Trust and an acknowledgement from Rishi Sunak, MP.
    3. Financial Resolutions – the revised document, copies previously circulated, was agreed.
    4. Weed in the Beck – Cllr Duck had spoken with the contractor and some manual cleaning would be used along with applying weed killer; the contractor had supplied an approval letter from the Environment Agency for the use of weed killer.
  5. Policing matters – PCSO Heather Lees attended the meeting and presented an update on policing matters in the locality. She also advised that the Police would have a presence in the village on 23 August for around 1 hour alongside representatives of Barclays Bank for residents to raise issues about fraud and scams with them. The PC would promote this in its forthcoming newsletter.
  6. Financial Matters
    1. Receipts and payments since the last meeting:

Receipts HDC Half-year precept - £3900; Snape Show Committee (payment for insurance cover) - £60; HMRC – VAT repayment - £1913.61

Payments Sarah Lowe (salary) £151.20, £104.50, £61.30; Sarah Lowe (expenses) £4.89, £80.35 (for petition), £26.49 (for newsletter), £11.60, £1.98; Snape Methodist Church (room hire) £10; Streetscape Products and Services Ltd - £10416.00; YLCA (subscription) £132, Zurich Municipal Insurance £475.84, £60; HDC (cost of election) £100; A Whitehead Associates Ltd £960, Information Commissioner (annual fee) £35; Farm and Land Services £454.80, £502.80

Bank accounts as at 12 July 2019

Current account – £9534.67

Deposit account – £2640.81

Deposit account re Institute - £9732.77

The Clerk drew attention to the cost of the Avenue survey against the budgeted amount.

    1. Hours of work by the Clerk – it was noted that the Clerk had undertaken 22 hours in May and June.

  1. Avenue Survey – following advice received from the Insurers regarding a court case concerning frequency of tree surveys a new survey had been undertaken of the Avenue. It was encouraging to note that no tress surgery action was required to the old avenue and minor works were recommended to 3 of the new trees. It had been recommended that new trees be planted where the old ones had been removed. In discussion, it was RESOLVED that no trees would be planted to replace trees in the old avenue. Cllr Duck would arrange for the works to be undertaken to the new trees.
  2. Playing Field Committee – The Committee had met on 4 July when Steven Smith had been appointed Chairman. The draft minutes were received and the Clerk drew attention to current activities. In discussion it was agreed that the contractor could be approached regarding strimming the hedge bottom on the west side of the field and to ask him to incorporate the cutting of this section thereafter.
  3. Communications from YLCA
    1. The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and mobile applications) Accessibility Regulations – the Clerk drew attention to these regulations and the need for compliance from September 2020. It was noted that further advice was to be forthcoming from YLCA.
    2. Other publications – these were noted.
  4. Planning matters – The Clerk advised that the decision was still awaited for those planning applications recently received and discussed by the Council. It had been noted that the drainage approach for the Old Vicarage had been submitted to HDC and whilst the PC had not been consulted as the application was for soakaways only the PC would find this acceptable.
  5. Parish Council newsletter – A newsletter would be prepared to include the following topics: police presence on 23 August, avenue report and action, petition, progress on the bridge, minibus service, post office van, dog bins, responsible parking, Ings Lane.
  6. Other Matters
    1. Emergency Planning – this document was still being circulated. Cllr Pringle indicated a willingness to be involved.
    2. VE anniversary in May 2020 – the PC were happy for an event for this to be led by the Institute Committee and would be happy to assist if required.
    3. Improvement to road between Snape and Mile House – these roadworks had now been completed and were such an improvement on the previous condition of the road a letter of thanks would be sent to the Highways team.
    4. Works vehicles at Cedar Garth – the vehicles were on occasions causing some difficulty for passing vehicles. It was understood that the works vehicles would park on site once the first stages of the site were completed so the situation would be kept under review.

Created: 24/05/2021 / Last Modified: N/A