Minutes - 19 October 2020


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Snape with Thorp Parish Council

Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 19 October 2020 at 6.30 pm via Zoom

Present: Councillors John Duck, Liz Watson, Sara Pringle, Colin Hodges and Richard Poole.

  1. Apologies for absence – Apologies were received from District Councillor David Webster.
  2. Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.
  3. Minutes of the meetings held on 1 October (copies of which had already been circulated) were accepted as a true record. The Chairman would sign the minutes as soon as possible.
  4. Matters arising
    1. Bridges – The Clerk advised that a site visit had occurred without PC representation being there or the Council being asked for further information. The outcome was that as there had been no history, as far as NYCC was concerned, of houses flooding in this vicinity there was no financial help available from the Flood Risk Management budget. In addition the responder had questioned whether white clawed clayfish had been killed as a consequence of weed extraction in the beck. This issue had given rise to concerns by Highways such that works could not be undertaken by Highways without undertaking protocols to protect these crayfish. This in turn meant no funding was available from the basic management budget. Vegetation removal by those either side of the beck, subject to protection of white clawed crayfish, and monitoring in high rainfall was the only option suggested by NYCC. Cllr Pringle advised that she had reviewed all the guidance regarding white clawed crayfish and she did not consider that these protected species of crayfish had been affected by the weed removal but every occasion the vegetation was to be removed a survey would be undertaken in advance and any white clawed crayfish found returned to the beck. The Council was disappointed by the response from NYCC and so it was RESOLVED that the Clerk should respond to ask for a further site visit especially due to the potential for additional volume to the stream from the Price’s Pavings development; clarity would also be requested on what monitoring would mean in this context.
    2. Highways matters – safety measures at Kings Keld. The Clerk advised that Sir Henry was happy to support the installation of these bollards on his land and had suggested an approach for doing so without NYCC Highway team involved. However, whilst this might be a cheaper approach, due to safety concerns it was RESOLVED to ask Highways to install the bollards.
    3. Village inspection – kerbing – It was RESOLVED to meet on site to review the extent of kerbing required before further discussion at a PC meeting.
    4. Cedar Garth – crossing of the village green. It was RESOLVED to instruct Fawcett Lupton to act for the Council. He had advised that a surveyor would be required; the Clerk would explore possible surveyors. A letter would need to be sent to the homeowner
  5. Financial Matters
    1. Receipts and Payments since the last meeting – this document, copies of which had already been circulated, was approved. It was RESOLVED to donate to Royal British Legion for a poppy wreath. The Clerk advised that she had spoken with Cllr Pringle regarding the drawing up of a risk assessment for the maintenance works in the village being undertaken on behalf of the Council.
    2. Hours of work undertaken by the Clerk – the hours of work undertaken by the clerk were noted.
  6. Planning applications

The following were discussed:

    1. 20/01460/FUL - Demolition of existing dwelling and associated buildings and proposed construction of 3 new build detached dwellings - Howden Hill Ings Lane Snape North Yorkshire DL8 2TF

It was noted that a Heritage Statement had been added to the HDC website. Parking issues in this vicinity were discussed but it was considered that these did not affect the planning for this site. However, a request to adjust speed limit to 20 mph by the school should be requested. It was RESOLVED to submit a revised response to HDC supporting the demolition of the current house and erection of 3 properties subject to appropriate measures in respect of the overlooking, height and proximity to neighbouring properties.

Two comments had been received that day by the Clerk regarding this application. These had been circulated but due to the short notice not all had been able to read them in advance of the meeting. It was RESOLVED to only take comments if received more than 48 hours before a meeting.

    1. 20/02047/OUT - Application for Outline planning permission with some matters reserved (except for access) for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of up to 32 dwellings, with public open space, landscaping, and sustainable drainage system (SuDS) and vehicular access point from The Avenue. - Prices Paving And Tiles Limited, The Manor House Snape DL8 2SZ –

There was a detailed discussion of the application and a number of major headings/issues were identified. It was agreed that the planning application should be refused. It was RESOLVED to prepare a document outlining these issues and consult with each household due to the fact that a full consultation meeting with parishioners could not be held.

Responses from parishioners would be invited in time to submit a response to HDC by 30 October.

The meeting closed at 7.45 pm

Created: 22/05/2021 / Last Modified: N/A