Booking the Institute

The hall is available for private bookings.  It is an ideal venue for wedding and general parties along with other types of events.

There is a sound system with hearing loop and the building is licenced for the playing of live and recorded music.  The Committee has recently installed Wi-fi.  In early 2024 new double glazed windows were installed in the hall.  Later in the Spring solar panels and a storage system will be installed.  These works have been possible via a number of successful grant applications.

A range of fund raising and social events are normally organised by the Committee throughout the year including the very popular Snape 10k and 5k Fun Run held in September.  The Committee also runs a 100 Club Draw, with 3 prizes per month.

Bookings for events can be made through Sarah Lowe, Bookings Secretary, on 01677 470444.  Contact Sarah to book the hall too.

The Committee obtained planning approval for a number of changes – improvements to the toilets, a small meeting room, a storage space and improved entrance.  .After much fundraising the Committee are thrilled to confirm that building works commenced on 24 February 2025.  Whilst many classes will continue at the hall, the Committee will not be holding any fundraising events in the near future.  When things change we will promote activities via the Snape Institute Facebook page, this website and press. 



Institute Address

Snape Village Institute
North Yorkshire


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Booking the Institute

Bookings can be made through Sarah Lowe, the Bookings Secretary on 01677 411424, and a booking form is available from Sarah.