The 100 Club

Snape Institute Committee raises funds every year for the running of the Village Hall. Funds raised are used to maintain and improve the hall for the benefit of all users.

By joining the 100 club you can help ensure the village hall remains open as a resource for all residents in our community; as well as having a chance to win cash prizes every month!

The Village Institute 100 Club is a private lottery and is open to all residents from Snape with Thorp Parish, users of the village hall, their family and friends. As a private lottery you must be invited to join, you will be allocated a number and your ticket is not transferable.

You must be 16 or over to join.

The draw normally occurs at the monthly Community Lunch.  The following are the winners by month.


April         101.24 and 43

May         94, 80 and 79


Institute Address

Snape Village Institute
North Yorkshire


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Booking the Institute

Bookings can be made through Sarah Lowe, the Bookings Secretary on 01677 470444, and a booking form is available from Sarah.