Show Committee

Snape & Well Village Show Committee

The Show is managed and run by the following committee members

  • Chairperson                      Claire Elsworth
  • Assistant Chairperson      Diana Philpott
  • Secretary                          Dianne Johnson 
  • Treasurer                          Colin Hodges 
  • Committee                        Rebekah Duck

The Annual General Meeting is usually held in April each year

Committee Meetings are held periodically in the lead-up to the Show and a post Show Meeting review is usually held in September  

All positions on the Committee will be reviewed at the April AGM

Additional members of the Committee are always welcome

The Show is always supported by a very much appreciated group of "helpers". The Show is reliant on volunteers and anyone who would like to help should make contact with anyone on the Committee

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The Show Committee of 1889


















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Show Committee Contact

For further information about the Show please contact the Secretary, Dianne Johnson, Salmon House, Snape or 01677 470244