Snape with Thorp Parish Council
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 5 October 2016 in the Snape Village Institute.
Present: Councillors John Duck, Steven Smith, Terry Warwick, Richard Poole, District Councillor David Webster, and 25 members of the public
- Apologies: Councillor Jenny Rydzewski
- Declaration of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.
- Welcome to the meeting – Cllr Duck welcomed all to the meeting, reminded the members of the public that this was a Parish Council meeting not a consultation meeting and that if anyone wished to raise a query or comment they could do so by raising their hand.
- Minutes of the meetings held on 8 June, copies of which had been circulated with the agenda, were accepted as a correct record.
- Village Maintenance
- Damage to Cherry Tree and replacement of tree – Cllr Duck advised that one of the Cherry trees at the west end of the green had been subject to damage. Janet Seel had purchased a replacement tree for which she was thanked.
- Beck side repairs – The beck side in the vicinity of Burn Brae to Brook House had been repaired with stones and those involved, John Knopp, David Milner and Tony Woodhouse, were thanked for their efforts.
- Posts for grass verge by the beck – Cllr Duck had brought examples of posts for placing on the grass verge from the Institute bridge to Lime Cottage and these were considered. It was RESOLVED that posts of approximately 2’ 6” in length and painted white should be used; approximately 30 would be required at around £3 per stake and a bore holer would be required to erect the posts to a consistent height – this machine would need to be hired; Cllrs Smith and Poole would test paint tantalised stakes.
- Avenue
Cllr Duck advised and reiterated, in response to a question from the floor, that Hambleton District Council had approved the Parish Council’s application to fell 6 trees and undertake works on other trees in the Avenue. It was noted that the HDC planning portal webpage had been updated that afternoon to show the approval and that the approval letter, which was tabled, had been received by e-mail. One quotation for undertaking the work had been received from Rennisons Tree Specialists; a further two had been sought (from Arbortech and Farm and Land Services). It was RESOLVED to invite Oliver’s Tree Services to submit a quotation too; this company had previously been involved in reporting and working on the avenue. Cllr Duck advised that he had offered to the contractors that the residue from the works could be deposited on his farm land if this was required. It was RESOLVED to meet again when all quotations had been received.
- Financial Matters
- External Audit – the Clerk advised that there had been no comments on the 2015/16 accounts from the external auditors and the notice, plus documentation, had been placed on the village noticeboard and website by 30 September as required.
- Receipts and payments – the following were noted
- Receipts – Snape Avenue Fund - £10; HDC Asset Transfer (funding of solicitors’ fees for transfer of the playing field to the Parish Council - £1084.00; Bank interest (paid 6 June) - £0.33; Wayleave - £3.45; HDC – second precept payment - £2650; VAT payment £1473.54
- Payments – S Lowe (salary) - £57.60; £38.40; £60.00; £40.80; S Lowe (expenses) - £26.44; £15.60; £2.64 £31.10; HMRC £136.00; £92.80; Farm & Land Services - £658.80; £550.80; Rennisons Tree Specialists Ltd - £480.00; PFK Littlejohn LLP (for external audit) - £120.00; T Warwick (photocopying) £1.92; Playsafety Ltd (H&S check of playing field) - £92.40.
As at 18 September 2016 the bank balances stood at:
Current account - £2129.52
Deposit account - £2633.45
Institute Committee account - £13153.26 (£8,000 having been transferred back to the Institute Committee)
A summary, a copy of which had been circulated with the agenda, outlined the payments and receipts reconciled with the bank accounts.
- Hours of work by the Clerk – it was noted that the Clerk had undertaken 32½ hours work since the last meeting.
- Precept for 2016/17 – the Clerk advised that the usual letter had been received from HDC and a response was required by 31 December. This matter was deferred to the next meeting when the quotations for the work on the Avenue would be available.
- Application to the NALC for funding from the Transparency Fund – the Clerk explained papers (copies already circulated) which claimed for hours in 2016/17 for updating the PC’s website. It was RESOLVED that the claim should be submitted as agreed by the PC.
- Asset transfer – the PC’s solicitors had written advising that HM Registry had completed the registration of the property; paperwork had been enclosed. It was RESOLVED that Cllr Warwick should review the paperwork to ensure all was in order;
- Section 106 funding – the Clerk advised that a further £2250.05 Section 106 funding was available and HDC had requested confirmation of how this would be allocated; the Playing Field Committee had requested, and it was RESOLVED, that the funding should be equally allocated to the playing field and avenue.
- Interest on funds deposited by the PC and on behalf of the Institute Committee – Cllr Warwick advised that Barclays Bank had confirmed reductions in interest on these two deposit accounts; interest on the PC’s funds would reduce from 0.5% to 0.0% and on the Institute’s funds from 0.38% to 0.19%. He had obtained interest rates from the Skipton Building Society which indicated a rate of 0.80%. Further information was required, including a view from the Institute Committee, before any movement of funds would occur. This would not affect the current account.
- Donation to Citizens Advice – It was RESOLVED to make a donation of £20 to the local Citizens Advice office.
- Grass cutting
- Invoice from Mr Wilkinson – Following discussion at a previous PC meeting, the Clerk had written to Mr Wilkinson asking for further information on the items on the invoice. No response had been received. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk should write again and ask Mr Wilkinson for a response within a month as this information was required to understand the full financial situation for 2016/17.
- Current service – Cllr Duck advised that one further cut was likely to be required. Generally the service had been good. Mr Downie had arranged for the undergrowth at the perimeter of the playing field to be cut back so that the grass could be more easily cut close to the hedge.
- Playing Field Committee –
- Minutes of recent meetings – the minutes of meetings held on 29 June, 17 July and 14 September, copies of which had already been circulated, were received for information.
- Cllr Smith, Chair of the Committee, reported that the application to Awards for All had been returned as potentially fundable but lacking some detail; this application would be resubmitted. He outlined other funding currently confirmed ie approximately £4k remaining from the Asset Transfer; £1.8k Section 106 funding, £1k from the West Tanfield Tour de France funds. Further submissions were to be made ie to Yorventure, Aviva Community Fund (via Came and Company as an Aviva broker) for £1k; Bedale and Villages Community Forum for £2k. He also advised that he was making approaches to the West Tanfield Tour de France fund and to the Neville’s Trust. If all these were successful there would be in excess of £10k which might mean it would be appropriate to bid for the full amount of the two projects on the basis of having secured £10k.
- Health and Safety Check – Cllr Smith advised that the RoSPA report for 2016 had been received and identified a medium risk overall. Whilst natural wear and tear had been identified there was nothing major to be done at present.
- Highway matters
Cllr Duck advised on the recent accidents of cyclists at the junction of Salmon Lane and Ings Lane; the last incident had required an ambulance to be called. It was RESOLVED to write to the Highways Department alerting them to the H&S issue.
The very poor condition of the road at the Snape side of the Thorp Perrow Arboretum entrance was noted and it was RESOLVED to draw attention to this in the communication to the Highways Department.
- Affordable Housing
The Clerk advised that she had contacted the Rural Housing Officer to obtain an update following the recent receipt of her report on the housing need survey conducted in connection with a possible site at Thornton Watlass. Amanda Madden had advised that there had been a low response with only 10 households highlighting that they were in housing need. She was currently working with Broadacres to see if the site was viable.
- Defibrillator
The Clerk advised that the defibrillator was currently showing red and that she had raised this on a number of occasions with the YAS contact. He had advised that new pads were required but the defibrillator would still function correctly if needed.
The Clerk advised that she had also raised with the YAS officer about the code for the box being available as it had been noted that the number for the box at Well was available on their village noticeboard. The YAS officer had advised that it was a local decision but thre were risks for example someone going to get the defibrillator rather than ringing 999 or the defibrillator being “stolen”. There was discussion from the floor including citing recent events. It was RESOLVED that the next parish communication from the PC should draw attention to the way in which the number was obtained in an emergency but the number would not be released.
- Dog Waste Bins
Cllr Duck drew attention to the new dog waste bins recently placed in the village. These had not been purchased by the PC but provided by HDC. He enquired if a further bin was required on Ings Lane. No-one indicated this was necessary.
- 3 Nevilles Row
Cllr Warwick drew attention to the vegetation which had grown up on the beck side of a fence erected by Broadacres at the above property. Given the potential for flooding as a consequence it was RESOLVED to write to Broadacres regarding this and asking for the vegetation to be removed.
- Green areas in the village
- Warwick referred to a letter sent by the PC to Jannine Nunns, HDC, in relation to the HDC Local Development Plan, which indicated that the Parish Council considered the village greens, the playing field and allotments should be green areas for protection as HDC did not appear to have these sites identified. Warwick asked if any response had been received on this matter. The Clerk advised that a response advising that these sites had been identified as green areas for protection had been received from Ms Nunns.
The meeting closed at 8:35 pm