2 April 2019 - agenda


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Snape with Thorp Parish Council


Agenda for a meeting of the Council to be held on Tuesday 2 April 2019 at 7.00 pm in the Schoolroom, Snape Methodist Church

  1. Apologies for absence – to receive apologies
  2. Declarations of interest – to receive any declarations of interest in agenda items
  3. Minutes – to agree and sign the minutes of meeting held on 20 February and 19 March (copies attached)
  4. Matters arising
    1. Narrowing of the beck – to discuss the possible narrowing of the beck
    2. The Institute – request for financial support for roof repairs (item deferred from the last meeting)
    3. Bridges – planning application – requirement for bat roosting survey – report by the Clerk
  5. Financial Matters
  1. To approve the receipts and payments since the last meeting (see attached reconciliation and separate paper)
  2. Pension scheme – to note that the Clerk does not wish to be part of a pension scheme
  3. To note hours of work undertaken by the Clerk since the last meeting (see separate paper)
  1. Services at the Friarage Hospital – to consider whether a petition should be collected and a letter sent to the Trust concerning recent press coverage of the closure of emergency services at the hospital
  2. Planning matters
    1. Single storey side extension with roof lantern – East End Bungalow, Snape – 19/00618/FUL – papers available on https://planning.hambleton.gov.uk
    2. HDC planning consultations – proposal from HDC for planning consultations and planning decisions to be notified by e-mail (correspondence previously circulated refers)

Signed …………………………………..…Clerk


Created: 24/05/2021 / Last Modified: N/A