Minutes of an extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 4 June 2019 in the Vestry, Snape Methodist Church
Present: Councillors John Duck, Richard Poole, Liz Watson, Colin Hodges and Sara Pringle
The Council discussed the application, copies of which had been circulated prior to the meeting. There were no objections to the application.
The Council had been advised that this application had now been approved by HDC. In doing so a condition had been placed on the approval regarding the need for the submission of plans for drainage of surface water from the site. The Council had written to HDC Planning Officer requesting that the PC be consulted on the proposed drainage arrangements. The Planning Officer had responded, copies previously circulated, indicating that this was a technical issue. It was RESOLVED to write again to stress the PC’s concerns about the sewage system and to request consultation on these arrangements.
A condition of the planning approval for the works on the two bridges had been that a bat roosting survey was conducted before any works commenced on the bridges. This survey had been undertaken at an expected cost of £200 plus VAT and no evidence of bats roosting had been found on either bridge but a crevice on the bridge by Lyme Houses could be a potential roosting site so a further evening survey would be undertaken immediately before work commenced. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk should write to HDC Planning Department to send a copy of the report.
The meeting closed at 9.00 pm