Snape with Thorp Parish Council
Agenda for a meeting of the Council to be held on Monday 23 March 2020 at 6.30 pm in the Snape Methodist Church
- Apologies for absence – to receive apologies
- Declarations of interest – to receive any declarations of interest in agenda items
- Minutes – to agree and sign the minutes of meetings held on 4 December, 19 February and 10 March (copies attached)
- Matters arising
- Bridges – to note works on 2 bridges and to consider request for works to the Marina bridge to improve water flow
- Response from Highways to issues raised by PC – to note and agree any action necessary
- Works on trees in the Avenue and on the village green – to note TPO and Conservation area approval by HDC for works and to agree action
- Road improvements following fatal accident on Kings Kell – to receive report by Clerk
- Policing report – to receive and note an up to date report on policing in the locality
- Financial Matters
- To approve the receipts and payments since the last meeting (see attached reconciliation and separate paper)
- To note hours of work undertaken by the Clerk since the last meeting (see separate paper)
- To receive invoice from YLCA for annual membership at £134 and to agree action – report by Clerk
- To discuss the disposal of the rubber safamat from the playing field which may have a financial impact – report by Cllr Duck
- Purchase and planting of additional daffodil bulbs on beck sides – report by Cllr Duck
- Planning matters
- 20/00197/LBC - Listed building consent for the removal of timber lean-to at the rear of the dwelling and construction of a new orangery. Also to move existing low stone wall to create a new patio area. New low wall to be constructed with reclaimed stone. Springfield, Ings Lane Snape North Yorkshire DL8 2TF – to receive and to determine response
- NY/2020/0034/SCO - Consultation about EIA Scoping request for extension to Gebdykes Quarry - documents available at
- Update on any planning matters received since last meeting – report by Clerk
- Coronavirus
- Contingency plan – to receive advice from YLCA (attached) and to agree action
- Local action to support residents – to agree action
- Request for memorial seat on triangular green at west end of village – to receive and agree action - report by Clerk
- Overhanging branches – to note action already taken and to agree future action – report by Clerk
- Parish Council Newsletter – to agree if newsletter should be issued and its content
- Date for Annual Open Meeting – please bring your diaries to the meeting so a date can be agreed.
Signed …………………………………..…Clerk
Press and members of the public can attend the meeting which will be open to the public and press unless the Council otherwise direct.