Agenda 23 March 2020


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Snape with Thorp Parish Council


Agenda for a meeting of the Council to be held on Monday 23 March 2020 at 6.30 pm in the Snape Methodist Church

  1. Apologies for absence – to receive apologies
  2. Declarations of interest – to receive any declarations of interest in agenda items
  3. Minutes – to agree and sign the minutes of meetings held on 4 December, 19 February and 10 March (copies attached)
  4. Matters arising
    1. Bridges – to note works on 2 bridges and to consider request for works to the Marina bridge to improve water flow
    2. Response from Highways to issues raised by PC – to note and agree any action necessary
    3. Works on trees in the Avenue and on the village green – to note TPO and Conservation area approval by HDC for works and to agree action
    4. Road improvements following fatal accident on Kings Kell – to receive report by Clerk
  5. Policing report – to receive and note an up to date report on policing in the locality
  6. Financial Matters
  1. To approve the receipts and payments since the last meeting (see attached reconciliation and separate paper)
  2. To note hours of work undertaken by the Clerk since the last meeting (see separate paper)
  3. To receive invoice from YLCA for annual membership at £134 and to agree action – report by Clerk
  4. To discuss the disposal of the rubber safamat from the playing field which may have a financial impact – report by Cllr Duck
  5. Purchase and planting of additional daffodil bulbs on beck sides – report by Cllr Duck
  1. Planning matters
    1. 20/00197/LBC - Listed building consent for the removal of timber lean-to at the rear of the dwelling and construction of a new orangery. Also to move existing low stone wall to create a new patio area. New low wall to be constructed with reclaimed stone. Springfield, Ings Lane Snape North Yorkshire DL8 2TF – to receive and to determine response
    2. NY/2020/0034/SCO - Consultation about EIA Scoping request for extension to Gebdykes Quarry - documents available at
    3. Update on any planning matters received since last meeting – report by Clerk
  2. Coronavirus
    1. Contingency plan – to receive advice from YLCA (attached) and to agree action
    2. Local action to support residents – to agree action
  3. Request for memorial seat on triangular green at west end of village – to receive and agree action - report by Clerk
  4. Overhanging branches – to note action already taken and to agree future action – report by Clerk
  5. Parish Council Newsletter – to agree if newsletter should be issued and its content
  6. Date for Annual Open Meeting – please bring your diaries to the meeting so a date can be agreed.

Signed …………………………………..…Clerk


Press and members of the public can attend the meeting which will be open to the public and press unless the Council otherwise direct.

Created: 24/05/2021 / Last Modified: N/A