Snape with Thorp Parish Council
Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday 20 May 2021 at 6.30 pm in Snape Institute
Present: Councillors John Duck, Liz Watson, Colin Hodges and Sara Pringle
- Election of Chairman – Cllr John Duck was duly elected Chairman
- Apologies for absence – Apologies were received from Cllr Richard Poole and Cllr David Webster
- Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.
- Minutes of the meetings held on 29 April, copies of which had already been circulated, were accepted as a true record and were signed by the Chairman.
- Matters arising
- Fences – The Clerk reported that she had obtained documentation regarding the transfer of land by Sir John Ropner to the Council for the planting of the new Avenue. These documents did not confirm the responsibility for the fences rested with the Council. The Clerk had contacted Sir Henry who had drawn attention to wording in the conveyance of the land which, whilst not mentioning fences, did imply the provision and up-keep of the fences rested with the Council. The Council accepted this inference. It was RESOLVED to make further temporary repairs, to continue to monitor the condition of the fences and to include in the budget from next year an amount to be able to replace the fence in the future.
- Kerbing – The Chairman advised that NYCC had approved the plans for the kerbing on the south side of the main green subject to the inclusion of a drain and also the area on Meadow Lane (from Carrick’s drive westward to the entrance to Green Pastures). It was understood that a donation to the works on Meadow Lane would be received. On this basis the funding was in place to proceed with these works. A meeting had occurred with the contractor who would submit an estimate to the Clerk for the works on Meadow Lane. The Clerk would confirm the need for a drain on the area to the south side of the green so the contractor included this when undertaking the works.
- Website – the Clerk reported that the system had been updated to ensure Community groups were limited to amending the content of their own pages only. She would commence meeting with individual leads of the Groups to set up their access etc. She had prepared a list of rules for community group users and this had been shared with Cllrs Watson and Hodges and WJPS. With some amendments it was ready to test out with the Groups. A response had been received from the Snape Climate and Consultation Group to indicate that subject to raising the necessary funds they would wish to be added to the website.
- Meeting with the Snape Climate and Conservation Group – Cllrs Duck and Hodges had met with two representatives of the group to discuss the request for a no-mow area in the avenue. This was discussed and it was RESOLVED that:
- The area on the north side of the avenue between the young trees and the field fence would remain un-mown from now until the first mow after mid-July as an experimental area for wildflower growth.
- The above is subject to:
- the SC&CG putting up notices to delineate the area being left uncut -proposed notices had been available to view. The Council deemed these acceptable for this purpose.
- the Parish Council would want to receive a plan outlining on a month-by-month basis the SC&CG's management of this area and for this to be displayed on a notice in this vicinity. This notice would serve to inform of this no-mow approach and also educate those who saw the sign on, for instance, the plants which it was expected would be seen month on month.
- The Parish Council reserved the right to cut the grass should it feel that this was necessary. The Council would give prior notice to SC&CG before mowing occurred.
- Cllr Duck offered to deal with the grass mowing residue if the SC&CG considered this could not be left in situ and provided this residue was brought to his farm.
The Clerk would prepare a draft letter and circulate this to Councillors for approval. The Clerk would notify the contractor of this decision.
- Financial Matters
- Annual internal audit report for 2020/21 (copy of which had been circulated with the agenda) it was RESOLVED that the Annual Internal Audit Report for 2020/21 included at page 4 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return be noted.
- Annual governance statement for 2010/21 (copy of which had been circulated with the agenda). This was discussed and completed. It was RESOLVED that the Council approve the Annual Governance Statement 2020/21 on page 5 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020/21. It was further RESOLVED that the document would be signed by the Chairman.
- To approve the annual accounting statement for 2020/21 (copy of which had been circulated with the agenda). It was RESOLVED that the Council approve the Annual Account Statement 2020/21 on page 6 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020/2021. It was further RESOLVED that the document would be signed by the Chairman.
- To approve the Certificate of Exemption for 2020/21 (copy of which had been circulated with the agenda). It was RESOLVED that the Council approve the Certificate of Exemption 2020/21 on page 3 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020/21. It was further RESOLVED that the document would be signed by the Chairman.
- Publication of documents required by the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015, SI 2020/404 The Accounts and Audit (Coronavirus) (Amendment Regulations 2020 and the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities (paper circulated with the agenda) – it was RESOLVED that the following documents would be published on the Parish Council’s website:
- Certificate of Exemption (page 3)
- Annual Internal Audit Report 2020/21 (page 4)
- Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement 2020/21 (page 5)
- Section 2 – Accounting Statements 2020/21 (page 6)
- Analysis of variances
- Bank Reconciliation to 31 March 2021
- Notice of the period for the exercise of public rights and other information required by Regulation 15 (2), Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015.
- Receipts and payments since the last meeting (a finance report and reconciliation had been circulated with the agenda)
Receipts Precept (1st instalment) - £4108
Payments Sarah Lowe (salary) £192.00; Sarah Lowe (expenses for newsletter) - £42.13; Zurich Municipal (insurance) - £539.81
Bank accounts as at 11 May 2021
Current account – £10175.08
Deposit account – £2647.17
Deposit account re Institute - £22,759.47
- Hours of work undertaken by the Clerk since the last meeting: it was noted that the Clerk had worked 10 hours since the last meeting
- Comments from the Internal Auditor – the Clerk advised on a number of items raised by the Internal Auditor. These were noted and would be actioned as necessary by the Clerk.
- Insurance renewal – the Clerk reported that due to confusion about the invoice including the Show event the cheque submitted to the insurers had been destroyed by them. The Treasurer of the Show Committee was currently updating the details describing the Show event for the Insurers to advise on the costs for including this event in the insurance cover. Once this was received a new cheque would need to be raised and signed.
- Financial allocations for the playing field and reserve for the Avenue – these were agreed as £150 and £500 respectively.
- Deeds and other legal documents (a list of documents held had been circulated with the agenda) – The Clerk advised that deeds, from the 1920s, previously deposited with the Bank had been removed a while ago and were currently held by her. It appeared that the land and building covered by these were not registered with the Land Registry. Other property was registered with the Land Registry. Having sought advice from YLCA the Clerk suggested that a local solicitor was approached to clarify if they would hold the original documents which were not registered. She would also clarify the process for registration of this land/building. She would report back to the Council on both aspects as soon as possible.
- Playing Field Committee – The Clerk advised that whilst the Committee had been stood down it had not been formally agreed that the Committee would no longer exist. It was RESOLVED to remove this Committee.
- Asset register – the asset register, copies of which has been circulated, was approved
- Risk register – The risk register (a copy of which had been circulated with the agenda) was approved
- Financial Resolutions – The Clerk advised that a model document had been received in 2019 but due to the fact that there had been no AGM last year this had not been reviewed and adopted. The Clerk had reviewed the content of the document and made suggestions for change and these had been circulated with the Agenda. It was RESOLVED that Cllr Hodges and the Clerk would further review the suggested amendments and report back to the Council with a version to adopt.
- Annual Open Meeting held on 17 May – the Council reviewed the meeting and the way it had been presented. The format was felt to be good. The Chairman thanked the Councillors for their contributions to the meeting. The number of attendees had been good in view of this being on the day of the Government changes to meetings. There was no actions to take up from this meeting. However, the comments from the Police present about reporting to them anything suspicious, and the on-going problems with dog dirt would be included in the next newsletter. Cllr Hodges mentioned that the Dog Warden had offered to provide and install an additional dog bin close to the allotments. It was RESOLVED to accept this offer and a map showing the location of all the dog bins in the village would be included in the Newsletter.
- Planning applications –
- 21/01127/FUL - Planning permission for a house extension, replacement of existing conservatory with new garden room and internal re configuration - 1 Castle Meadows Snape. The application was discussed. It was RESOLVED that the Council had no objections to this application.
- 21/00880/FUL - Siting of a log cabin for ancillary accommodation - Springfield Ings Lane Snape. The application was discussed. It was RESOLVED that the Council had no objections to this application.
- Prices Paving and Tile Ltd – The Clerk had prepared a draft presentation for use at the meeting; this was discussed and suggested amendments made. The Clerk would update this and share with Councillors before a final version was sent to HDC and the representative of Prices Paving and Tile Ltd. It was RESOLVED to send out a flyer reminding residents of the meeting, to post details on Facebook and place posters around the village. The Clerk would prepare these documents.
- Update on any other planning applications – There were no other items to discuss.
- Appointment of Councillors to represent the PC at YLCA meetings – a paper had been circulated and was approved.
- Other matters
Village check – Cllrs Duck and Hodges had undertaken the village 6-monthly check. Some items had been noted and would be shared with the Council and Clerk for action. The Clerk would write to Broadacres regarding stones in the beck behind their property at Neville Row.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm