Snape with Thorp Parish Council
Financial position as at 15 November against budget for 21/22
Income is estimated to be:
£11195.10 compared with budgeted amount of £9292 which is £1902.65 higher than budget. This is accounted for by a bequest from Mr Linton Gaunt of £1k, which was a generous gift to the Council, and contributions from 5 groups for the website (£225) plus a slightly higher contribution from the Show Committee (£80) for the insurance cover of the Show and higher VAT repayments.
Expenditure is estimated to be:
£9477.54 compared with budgeted amount of £9292 which is £188.50 higher than budget. .
Note: estimates takes into consideration a payment of £25 already made but which has not cleared the bank plus projected costs to the end of the financial year. Assumptions are shown in the Comment column on the attached table.
The actual and estimated receipts and payments are detailed overleaf.
Budget for 2022/23
Is based on the following:
On the basis of the statement overleaf the precept would be set at £8529 to simply balance the income against expenditure in year. The Council may wish to consider other projects for 2022/23 which could affect the budget and thus the precept.
Sarah Lowe
2020/21 |
Budgeted for 21/22 |
Current position 15/11/21 |
Comment – including estimate of additional receipt/costs to year end |
Expected end of year position |
Budget for 2022/23 |
8095.00 |
Precept |
8216.00 |
8216.00 |
8216.00 |
8529.05 |
1.22 |
Bank Interest |
3.00 |
0.14 |
Additional interest expected – December & March |
0.28 |
0.50 |
2400.00 |
Grants |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
485.37 |
Other |
370.00 |
1615.37 |
Budgeted: Show Committee £60; grass cutting £310.37. Actual includes donations to Council of £1k (bequest) grass cutting £310.37 plus £300 in donations |
1615.37 |
400.00 |
588.39 |
Refund of VAT |
700.00 |
204.59 |
VAT claimed plus further to reclaim on epicormic growth and kerbing |
1360.00 |
700.00 |
3.45 |
Wayleave |
3.45 |
3.45 |
3.45 |
3.45 |
11573.43 |
Total Receipts |
9292.45 |
10039.55 |
11195.10 |
9633.00 |
1568.80 |
Grass cutting |
2500.00 |
1550.40 |
Further invoice expected for removal of epicormic growth = £250 |
1800.00 |
2500.00 |
Salary & HMRC |
2000.00 |
1455.00 |
4 more months’ salary and tax payments to be made – estimated at £1k |
2455.00 |
2000.00 |
274.64 |
Expenses |
1000.00 |
226.15 |
4 more months payments to be made – estimated at £28 per month plus training course costs – total of £230 |
456.15 |
500.00 |
240.00 |
Audit |
0.00 |
0.00 |
No charge |
0.00 |
0.00 |
25.00 |
Donation |
150.00 |
50.00 |
£25 not cleared the bank and £25 for Poppy Wreath |
100.00 |
150.00 |
479.81 |
Insurance |
560.00 |
562.45 |
562.45 |
600.00 |
220.00 |
The Avenue |
£500 reserve |
42.34 + 500 reserve |
£500 reserve |
542.34 |
500.00 (reserve) |
40.00 |
Playground |
£150 allocation |
0.00 |
£150 allocation |
150.00 |
150.00 (allocation) |
94.80 |
Playground (safety check) |
Created: 17/11/2021 / Last Modified: N/A |