Snape with Thorp Parish Council
Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 23 March 2021 at 6.30 pm via Zoom
Present: Councillors John Duck, Liz Watson, Sara Pringle, Colin Hodges, Richard Poole and District Councillor David Webster
- Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.
- Minutes of the meetings held on 28 January (copies of which had already been circulated) were accepted as a true record. The Chairman would sign the minutes as soon as possible.
- Matters arising
- Bridges and flooding – The Clerk reported that she had submitted photos of the flooding in January and a covering email to Highways; as no response had been received she had followed this up but had still not received an answer. Cllr Duck reported that the householder at Brook Cottage had repaired the bridge outside his house and the bridge now had a better clearance above the beck. There are 2 other foot bridges (outside Homelea and Burn Brae) which would be considered Parish Council responsibility as the land to either side was the Council’s. He suggested that these bridges should be part of the 6-monthly inspection of the village. The Clerk also reported that a drain on Salmon Lane had been cleared and flushed out by Highways in response to a request from the Council.
- Cedar Garth – The Clerk had contacted the Council’s solicitor but no contact had been received from the residents, their agent or solicitor. No further action would be taken at present.
- Traffic and speeding issues – The Clerk reported on the advice from Highways and responses from local councils approached about being involved in the joint purchase and use of Vehicle Activated Speed equipment (VAS). It was RESOLVED to see if YLCA could send out an enquiry to a wider group of local Councils to clarify if there might be interest in being involved in sharing equipment.
- Safety issues in the village – Highways had responded in relation to Carthorpe corner to indicate that the current signs were appropriate and no changes were necessary. As Highways had not responded on the issue of physical changes it was RESOLVED to go back to them and to also ask if the Council could put its own notices up. A response on other road signs was still outstanding; the Clerk would raise this matter again with Highways.
- Fence on the outer side of the Avenue – the Clerk reported that she had located information which had indicated that when the new Avenue was planted the installation of these fences had been part of the project and that a donation had been made by Sir John Ropner sufficient for the fencing. Cllr Duck advised that in his estimation around 48 new posts were required at a potential cost of £2 each and that in around 2 years’ time the whole fence would require replacement. He offered to put in a number of new posts to temporarily repair the western end of the fencing; Cllr Poole offered to assist. It was RESOLVED to write to the estate to clarify the boundary ownership and to seek financial support for the repair of the full fences.
- Census – the Clerk had spoken to one resident about the completion of the form. She reported that the Census Office had in place a number of support arrangements to help those who would find it difficult to complete on line or by paper.
- Financial Matters
- Receipts and Payments since the last meeting – this document, copies of which had already been circulated, was approved.
- Hours of work undertaken by the Clerk – the hours of work undertaken by the Clerk were noted.
- Appointment of Internal Auditor – the Clerk advised that Mr C Blanchard was happy to act as Internal Auditor and that he met the criteria set out for the appointment of an auditor. It was RESOLVED to appoint him to this role and to also share with him the checklist received from YLCA for areas to be checked.
- Local Government Reorganisation – it was RESOLVED to respond to the current consultation along the same lines as the letters previously sent to the MP and Leader of NYCC ie to indicate that the Council wished to see the status quo preserved.
- Website – the Clerk raised a number of queries which were determined by the Council including the level of donation from participating local groups, that the Clerk would be the sole person with global access with back up provided by Cllrs Watson and Hodges; that a limited level of historical data would be posted on the new website but anyone wanting older information could seek this direct from the Clerk at a small cost; and that any businesses included on the website would be those based in the parish. Other outstanding issues would be discussed by Cllrs Watson and Hodges and the Clerk and recommendations made to the full Council.
- Kerbing – The Clerk advised that the funds from the Locality Budget had been transferred to the Council; the outcome of the application to HDC’s Making a Difference was still awaited. The Contractor had indicated that he would be able to undertake the work to the Council’s timescale and could undertake further work pro rata to his original tender if further funding was available. Cllr Duck advised that kerbing used by the Telephone Kiosk had been funded by NYCC previously and were of a higher specification and hence cost to others in the village; he asked councillors to view this area to determine which type of kerbs would be preferred should further kerbing be installed in this area.
- Playing Field Development – a proposal from a resident for the planting of trees at the south end of the playing field had been previously circulated and was discussed. The Clerk was asked to thank the resident for their time and effort in putting together this proposal and for their enthusiastic support for other projects around the village. In discussion the question of funding and overall on-going responsibility arose along with whether the planting of trees and shrubs was required on the remaining part of the playing field. In addition the project proposed would leave no more room for further play or exercise equipment to be installed in the future should funding be made available. Further consideration would be given to seeking the views of the wider population.
- Maintenance in the village
- Beck – Cllr Pringle advised that the team who cleaned the beck would re-commence this work shortly.
- Bulb planting in the village – many daffodil bulbs had been lost over time; Cllr Pringle would ask the Gardening Club to consider planting additional daffodil bulbs which the Council would fund.
- Mole hills in the Avenue area – these were a problem for grass cutting equipment so the forthcoming newsletter would ask those spotting molehills to level them ready for grass cutting.
- Bench at the top of the Avenue – the metal framed bench once renovation had been completed would be placed by the Monument and a wooden bench placed at the top of the Avenue.
- Standing water on Ings Lane – A resident had sorted this problem by diverting the standing water into a drain on his land but the rood surface needed repairing. The Clerk was asked to write a letter of thanks to the resident and to approach Highways for the road surface to be repaired.
- Signs on the verges – a resident had made new signs and these were now in situ. The Clerk would send a letter of thanks for the preparation and installation of the new signs.
- Planning applications
The following was discussed:
- 21/00325/LBC – Listed Building Consent for the internal and external alterations to dwelling – Springfield, Ings Lane. It was RESOLVED that the Council had no objections to this application.
- Update on other planning matters:
- Price’s Pavings – Cllr Webster advised that there was no decision on this application as yet and it was possible that it would be considered by the full planning committee so consideration would be delayed further.
- Laurel House – there had been a response from Highways and also new floor plans – these had been noted.
- Snape Castle Barn – this application had been approved.
- Extension to Gebdykes Quarry – communication had been received and circulated but was not considered.
As the Zoom meeting time ended a small number of items could not be discussed and would be dealt with outside the meeting.
The meeting closed at 7.45 pm