Snape with Thorp Parish Council
Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday 22 March 2022 in Snape Institute
Present: Councillors John Duck, Colin Hodges, Richard Poole, Liz Watson, District Cllr David Webster, Amanda Madden, Rural Housing Officer, Hambleton District Council, and 6 members of the public
- Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.
- Minutes of the meeting held on 13 January, copies of which had already been circulated, were accepted as a true record, subject to the removal of the phrase “and to confirm that this remains a playing field and is not an orchard or arboretum” from minute 4.c. The minutes were signed by the Chairman.
- Matters arising
- Speed Activation Equipment – The Clerk advised that the application to the HDC Making a Difference Fund had been successful. It was RESOLVED to accept the grant and to follow up the purchase of the equipment.
- Contingency plan – this item was deferred to a future meeting
- Police report – The latest police report for the Ward, which included advice on how to make outdoor buildings safer was noted. The latter advice would be included in the next newsletter.
- Housing Needs Survey – Mrs Madden presented the report of the recent survey of residents regarding rural housing need. 19 responses had been received and analysed for the report. The results showed a level of need for affordable housing and Mrs Madden advised that additional need would probably come forward should a project commence. These results supported the inclusion of affordable housing on the Price’s Paving site; Mrs Madden had shared the report with the HDC Planning Department. The Chairman thanked Mrs Madden, who was retiring, for her support with this survey and in the past.
- Ukraine situation – Geraldine Lindley presented a document outlining the possible support residents and the community could offer to those seeking asylum from the Ukraine crisis. She advised on a meeting she had arranged for 31 March in the Institute when a representative of Ripon City of Sanctuary would outline this support in greater detail. She intended to circulate a leaflet to each household in the parish, a copy of which she tabled. In discussion it was RESOLVED to fund the printing costs of the leaflet and for it to go out with the Parish Council’s own newsletter.
- Playing Field Development Committee
- Presentation of Phase One Plan – David Milner presented a paper and plan, copies of which had previously been circulated. He explained the urgency to approve the plan as bundles of trees would be ordered from the Woodland Trust for autumn planting along the hedge and as areas of tree planting in the field. The proposal included a wild meadow and hazel coppice with spring flowers naturalising under the tree cover. The plans were discussed in detail. One Councillor supported the plans. The Councillors expressed their reservations on the large area to be used and the high number of trees to be planted which would impact on potential other uses of the space (eg the installation of other equipment) and reduce the open space on the site; the impact on the Council in respect of grass cutting and tree care, were also raised; the fact that the highest response to the recent survey had been to leave the area as it was and concern that people may not use it were mentioned. It was noted that the Committee had been created to do something in the area but the plans identified were more extensive than expected given the survey outcome. The proposal noted the potential need to improve access to the site for all users; this would have a cost implication which would need to be identified in advance. In conclusion the Council was still happy for development to take place to a size more in keeping with the village survey results.
- Terms of Reference – The Clerk advised that she had erroneously indicated at the first meeting of the Committee that the Chairman of the Parish Council should chair the meeting; she apologised to all concerned for this error. The Clerk advised that a change needed to be made to the Terms of Reference for the Committee to remove the references to the Chairman of the Council and attendance at the meeting. IT was RESOLVED to accept these changes.
- Financial Matters
- Receipts and Payments
Receipts HDC (MAD grant for kerbing) - £2000.00; HMRC (repayment of VAT) - £1277.68; Barclays Bank (Interest} £0.07
Payments Sarah Lowe (salary) £110.40, £134.40, £105.60; Sarah Lowe (expenses for newsletter) - £25.26, £25.39; HMRC £96.00; L&D Construction £6892.72; C R Hodges (repairs to goal posts) £14.39; WJPS – annual fees £298.20; Farm and Land Services £264.00
Bank accounts as at 15 March 2022
Current account – £7463.40
Deposit account – £2647.45
Deposit account re Institute - £22,761.65
Hours of work undertaken by the Clerk since the last meeting: it was noted that the Clerk had worked 25 hours in January and February.
- Financial Regulations – The Clerk presented the final draft Financial Regulations, which had been circulated with the agenda. The document had been updated based on the discussion at the last meeting. It was RESOLVED to accept this version of the document as the new Financial Regulations of the Council.
- Highway Matters – The Clerk had recently raised queries with NYCC Highways department regarding issues raised by residents about the difficulties caused by parking for the school. The response from Highways, which did not indicate anything could be done with the marking of the highway, would be brought to the attention of the residents and also the school.
- Planning applications – Prices Paving and Tile Ltd – Cllr Webster advised that the application could go to the Planning Committee in May and in advance of this there would be a site visit.
- Platinum Jubilee celebrations – Bedale Town Council had written to request a contribution from the Parish Council towards events they would be holding in Bedale; this was discussed and it was RESOLVED not to contribute to the Bedale events. It was agreed to consider planting a tree as part of the Parish celebrations; Cllr Pringle would look at options. A time capsule was another possible activity and the school would be approached on this. The purchase of an item for children up to 16 years old, who were resident in the Parish, was mentioned and further information would be sought.
- Newsletter – a number of items were identified; the Clerk would draft up a newsletter for comment.
- Exclusion of members of the Public and Press – It was RESOLVED to exclude members of the public and press due to the nature of the business to be transacted under item 14 being prejudicial to the public interest
- Fencing tender – The Clerk presented a summary of the three submissions received for the fencing tender. The original documentation was available to view at the meeting. It was RESOLVED not to proceed with the works as outlined in the tender documentation. Instead the Councillors would undertake the works themselves to contain costs. It was anticipated that around 90 stakes would be required to replace those that had rotted. Rotten posts would be removed and replaced by new posts. Volunteers to assist could be sought via the newsletter.
The meeting closed at 8.45pm