Snape with Thorp Parish Council
Minutes of an extraordinary meeting of the Council held on Thursday 19 January 2023 in the Snape Institute
- Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Hodges and District Cllr David Webster
- Declarations of interest – Cllr Watson declared an interest in agenda item 3(b).
- Planning Applications:
- 22/01263/DCN - Discharge of condition 2 of previously approved planning applications 22/01263/FUL and 22/01264/LBC - Snape Castle Barn Snape DL8 2TJ. There were now objections. The Clerk would advise HDC accordingly.
- 22/02852/FUL - Change of use of barn to holiday accommodation - Lavender Lodge Snape DL8 2SZ. There were no objections. However, it was noted on the application form that there was no indication of the type of foul sewage disposal. The Clerk would comment on this when submitting comment to HDC.
- Price’s Pavings and Tiles Ltd – Cllr Webster had advised that this application was still delayed. It was noted that Yorkshire Water had responded to a parishioner regarding sewage problems in high rainfall. This had advised that comments would be received by YW on sewage problems. It could help to record ongoing issues. It might also be worth contacting YW to clarify how close to full capacity the current system was.
The meeting closed at 7.00pm