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Snape with Thorp Parish Council

Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 3 May 2023 in the Snape Methodist church

Present: Councillors John Duck, Liz Watson, Colin Hodges, Sara Pringle, Richard Poole and NYC Cllr David Webster

  1. Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest. 
  2. Minutes of the meeting held on 5 April 2023, copies of which had already been circulated, were accepted as a true record and were signed by the Chairman.
  3. Matters arising
  • Platinum Jubilee – Cllr Poole had obtained potential prices for the plaque from 2 local firms for a plaque with around 25 words.  The cheaper of the two was chosen.  The cost would be around £150 to £200.  There was discussion about whether to use a tree guard which was currently available having been removed from a tree in the Avenue.  However, it was agreed to leave the stake in situ at present until the tree was larger.
  • Barclays Bank – the Clerk reported on a conversation she had had with the staff at the branch in Bedale.  They had assured the Clerk that the appropriate office had received information she had submitted and that the account would definitely not be closed.  As requested at the last meeting, the Clerk had been in touch with Well Parish Council to obtain information about the bank they were now using.  She reported these details to the Council. However, it was RESOLVED to remain with Barclays Bank at present.
  • Coronation of Charles III – it was RESOLVED that the daffodil planting would form part of the celebration due to the fact that the daffodil was the national flower of Wales so would recognise the link King Charles had had with Wales prior to becoming KIng. Cllr Pringle advised that she had investigated the cost of bulbs which were around £70 for 1000 bulbs.  It was estimated that around 3000 bulbs would be required.  They would need planting in the Autumn; an invitation to help with the planting of the bulbs could be made in the newsletter and this could also be a project for scholars from Aysgarth School who had offered to be involved in this type of activity.

Cllr Pringle suggested that some of the funds bequeathed by Mr Gaunt could be used to fund a project by the Climate and Conservation Group to support the wildflower project in the Avenue.  It was RESOLVED that this would be an appropriate use of part of this funding; the Clerk was asked to contact the Chairman of the Group to invite them to submit a proposal.  Other possible ideas for a project to recognise the Coronation were discussed and it was RESOLVED to purchase a further Royal Red Acer and to plant this close by the one planted for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and to place it by the other side of the seat on the green by the Lyme Houses.  This would mean that a second plaque like the one discussed earlier would be needed.  Cllr Poole would draft up suitable wording.

  1. Financial Matters

Receipts and payments as at 27 April, a copy of which had been circulated with the agenda, was received and noted.

Receipts None.  The Clerk advised that the first precept payment had now been received.

Payments YLCA – Membership fee - £139.00; Sarah Lowe (salary) £76.80; HMRC £48.00; Snape Methodist Church £25 (room hire). 

The Clerk advised that an invoice had been received from Farm & Land Services following a recent cut.  She drew attention to the need for some further verges to be cut due to householders apparently no longer cutting in front of their houses.  Cllr Duck would speak to the Contractor referring to the map of registered village green which had already been sent to the Contractor as part of the tendering process.

Bank accounts as at 27 April 2023

Current account – £10264.96

Deposit account – £2653.24

Deposit account re Institute - £44924.32

Hours worked by the Clerk – March – 8 hours

  • Insurance cover – The Clerk advised that the renewal notice had been received and despite this being the second year of a 3-year agreement the insurance had increased mainly due to an admin fee being included on this year’s renewal. The Clerk was asked to contact the Insurers to clarify why this increase had occurred.  However, it was RESOLVED to remain with the current insurers at present.
  1. Incorporated Charitable Organisation – a meeting had been held between representatives of the Institute Committee and Parish Council, which had been led by a representative of Community First Yorkshire.  The benefits of being an ICO, particularly for the financial protection of the Trustees, had been explored along with the impact on the Institute as an asset which would be transferred across to the ICO.  Getting the constitution of the ICO correct from the beginning was important in ensuring protection of the hall for the benefit of all residents.  The Council supported the Institute Committee in its movement to an ICO.
  2. Planning applications
    1. The following applications were noted:
      1. ZB23/00792/FUL | Single storey rear extension to form an enlarged bedroom. The Ridings, Snape – there were no objections.
      2. 23/00627/TPO - Works to fell a tree with a TPO - Tilia House, Snape.  It was noted that this application had been refused.
    2. Prices Paving and Stone Ltd – This was still awaiting a decision.  Cllr Webster advised that the flooding issue was still an issue and it would not proceed to Committee until this was resolved.  The Clerk advised that the last response from Highways to the Parish Council’s request for information had not been added to the Planning Portal and so the answers from Highways were not available to parishioners and others.  It was RESOLVED that the Clerk should approach the Hambleton Planning Officer to ask why this was the case given that she had approached them on a number of occasions to rectify this situation.
  3. Open Parish Meeting – The Clerk reminded the Council of the issues raised at the meeting which might require action by the Council
  4. Newsletter – a number of items were agreed for the next newsletter including the map showing the forthcoming tar and chipping of the roads in Snape.
  5. Zip wire – annual maintenance – Cllr Poole advised that he was looking into the possibility of the Council doing its own check of the machinery as recommended in the Rospa annual H&S check.


Created: 18/05/2023 / Last Modified: N/A