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Snape with Thorp Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 24 May 2023 at 6.00 pm in the Schoolroom, Snape Methodist Church

Present: Councillors John Duck, Liz Watson, Colin Hodges and Richard Poole

  1. Election of Chairman – Cllr John Duck was duly elected Chairman and signed the acceptance of office form
  2. Apologies for absence – Apologies were received from Cllr David Webster
  3. Declarations of Interest – Cllr Duck declared an interest in item 11(a)
  4. Minutes of the meetings held on 3 May, copies of which had already been circulated, were accepted as a true record and were signed by the Chairman.
  5. Matters arising
    1. Coronation of King Charles III – Cllr Poole was still to pursue the purchase of a Royal Red Acer tree and would source one the same size as the recently planted Acer.  There was discussion of the plaques for this new tree and for the one already planted for the Platinum Jubilee.  These would be placed on a post each and placed close to the respective tree.
    2. Possible project by the Climate and Conservation Group – this had been determined at the last meeting.  The Clerk had talked to the Chair of the Group regarding this possibility and had stated that she would send a formal letter regarding this.  In discussion it was agreed that the Council would want to see and consider a detailed costed plan for this project which should be to encourage wildflower growth in the no mow areas in the Avenue.
  6. Financial Matters
    1. The Clerk advised that the Council met the criteria to declare itself exempt from the requirement of a limited assurance review; this was noted.
    2. Annual internal audit report for 2022/23 (copy of which had been circulated with the agenda) was received.  It was RESOLVED that the Annual Internal Audit Report for 2022/23 included at page 4 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return be noted.  The Internal Auditor had made one comment on the Council’s paperwork indicating that 83p of VAT had not been recovered.  The Clerk would include this in the next VAT repayment claim.
    3. Annual governance statement for 2022/23 (copy of which had been circulated with the agenda).  This was discussed.  It was RESOLVED that the Council approve the Annual Governance Statement 2022/22 on page 5 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2022/23.  It was further RESOLVED that the document would be signed by the Chairman.
    4. To approve the annual accounting statement for 2021/22 (copy of which had been circulated with the agenda). It was RESOLVED that the Council approve the Annual Account Statement 2022/23 on page 6 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021/2022. It was further RESOLVED that the document would be signed by the Chairman.
    5. To approve the Certificate of Exemption for 2022/23 (copy of which had been circulated with the agenda).  It was RESOLVED that the Council approve the Certificate of Exemption 2022/23 on page 3 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2022/23.  It was further RESOLVED that the document would be signed by the Chairman.
    6. The Council noted the following documents as at the end of the financial year – bank reconciliation, explanation of variances and explanation of high reserves.
    7. Publication of documents required by the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015, SI 2020/404 The Accounts and Audit (Coronavirus) (Amendment Regulations 2020 and the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities (paper circulated with the agenda) – it was RESOLVED that the following documents would be published on the Parish Council’s website:
  • Certificate of Exemption (page 3)
  • Annual Internal Audit Report 2022/23 (page 4)
  • Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement 2022/23 (page 5)
  • Section 2 – Accounting Statements 2022/23 (page 6)
  • Analysis of variances
  • Bank Reconciliation to 31 March 2023
  • Notice of the period for the exercise of public rights and other information required by Regulation 15 (2), Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015.
    1. Receipts and payments as at 31 March and 17 May 2023 (reconciliations which also showed the headings against the agreed budget had been circulated with the agenda) were noted and approved.  It was noted that an error had been made on the reserves for the Avenue.  The Clerk would correct this for the next meeting.

Receipts NYC - £4429.00 - Half year payment of Precept

Payments Farm & Land Services (maintenance) - £438.00; Sarah Lowe (salary) £139.20; Sarah Lowe (expenses) £35.00; Snape Methodist Church £25 (room hire).

Bank accounts as at 17 May 2023

Current account – £14056.76

Deposit account – £2653.24

Deposit account re Institute - £44924.32

    1. Hours of work undertaken by the Clerk since the last meeting: it was noted that the Clerk had worked 13 hours 30 mins since the last meeting
    1. Financial allocations for the playing field, the Avenue and defibrillator – these were agreed as £150, £500 and £100 respectively.
    2. Insurance renewal – the Clerk reported that she had spoken to BHIB Councils following the recent invoice which had shown an increase in the cost even though there was a 3 year Long Term Agreement.  The additional cost was due to the introduction of an admin charge and index linking on property.  Nevertheless, as agreed at the last meeting, the renewal had been made and the cheque signed and sent. 
    1. Financial Regulations – the new regulations required the Council to review a number of current actions; the Clerk had itemised these on a paper, already circulated, and it was RESOLVED to take the Clerk’s recommendations contained in the paper meaning the current arrangements remained in place.
  1. Playing Field Development Committee – The Clerk and then Cllr Duck had been approached by one of the members of this group about the Climate and Conservation Group undertaking a project in the playing field.  Both the Clerk and Cllr Duck had advised that this Playing Field Development Committee was still in existence and the individual should contact the other members of the Committee to see about the Committee meeting again.
  2. Playing field – Cllr Hodges presented costs of £650 plus VAT to purchase two metal goalposts.  He suggested waiting until the current ones were in need of immediate renewal and that funds in the reserve for the playing field should be used for this. This approach was agreed. Cllr Hodges advised that further discussion with two mothers indicated there was a willingness to work to fund raise to make improvements to the equipment for smaller children.  It was noted that the school were now using the playing field regularly.
  3. Asset register – the asset register, a copy of which has been circulated with the agenda, was approved
  4. Risk register – The risk register (a copy of which had been circulated with the agenda) was approved
  5. Planning applications:
    1. Request to dig a trench in the registered village green (Cllr Duck declared an interest in this item.)  – The Clerk presented a paper, copied circulated with the agenda, which explained that a request had been made for this action and that she had sought YLCA advice on this matter.  This advice received indicated that the Council could agree to this request as this was only a temporary measure and the green plus surface would be made good afterwards.  It was RESOLVED to approve this request; the Clerk would write to the applicant.
    2. Prices Paving and Stone Ltd – there was no new information regarding this application.
    3. ZB23/01091/LBC - Application for listed building consent for the removal of a concrete floor and replace with limecrete floor, repairs and restoration to external wall to expose features - Blacksmiths Cottage Snape Bedale – this recent application was considered.  There were no objections to the plans.
  6. Appointment of Councillors to represent the PC at YLCA meetings – The Clerk suggested that the Council agree that if any Councillor or Clerk is approved to attend YLCA meetings they would be deem to be representing the Council and can vote on behalf of the Council and such a meeting.
  7. Exclusion of members of the public – whilst there were no members of the public or press at the meeting It was RESOLVED that should there have been any present they would have been asked to withdraw due to the nature of the business to be transacted under the next item.
  8. Tree survey tender – The Clerk presented information on the tenders received for undertaking a tree survey of trees in the Avenue and elsewhere in the village.  A decision was made on the company to let the tender to.  The Clerk would write to them and indicate that a plan would be required as part of the survey report.
  9. Grass cutting – the bulbs were now dying back in the Avenue and would be included in the grass cutting shortly.  The tree at the south east end of the avenue was not looking too good but no action was required at present as this would form part of the survey as would the low hanging branches which some vehicles were having to avoid when coming into the Avenue from Bedale.

The meeting closed at 7.30pm

Created: 15/06/2023 / Last Modified: N/A