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Snape with Thorp Parish Council

Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 5 April 2023 in the Snape Methodist church

Present: Councillors John Duck, Liz Watson, Colin Hodges, Sara Pringle, Richard Poole and NYC Cllr David Webster

  1. Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest. 
  2. Minutes of the meetings held on 5 December 2022 and 9 January 2023, copies of which had already been circulated, were accepted as a true record and were signed by the Chairman.
  3. Matters arising
  • Speed Activation Equipment – The equipment was due to be returned to Snape from Well in April.  However, it was decided to ask Well Parish Council to delay its return for a further month to better stagger, across the seasons, the period in use in each village.
  • Business Continuity plan – The Clerk had prepared a revised version but as this had not been circulated in error to all Councillors it would be circulated immediately after the meeting to Councillors, who would submit comments to the Clerk.
  • Platinum Jubilee – Cllr Poole was continuing to investigate a source for the plaque.
  • Village maintenance
    1. Avenue (grass cutting and fencing) – the work to replace rotten stakes and rails in the Avenue fences had now been completed.  This had been done via volunteer help and had saved the Council considerable costs against the submitted tender submissions.  Grass cutting in the avenue was discussed. It was agreed that the no mow area would continue as planned and that the normal grass cutting would occur including between the old trees once the daffodils had died back.
    2. Beck Cleaning – volunteers had now almost completed the removal of the weed in the beck and letters of thanks would be sent to those involved.
    3. Bridge painting – the metal bridges needed repainting.  Cllr Poole had paint for the work.  Volunteers would be sought via the newsletter.
    4. Bulb planting – Over recent years the daffodils around the village had reduced in number.  It was RESOLVED to purchase bulbs for planting in the autumn.  Cllr Pringle would investigate sourcing and costs for these.
  1. Police report – No police representative could attend the meeting.  However, a police report had been received and circulated.  Its content was noted.
  1. Playing Field
    1. Rospa Reports - Reports on the H&S of the playing field equipment and on accessibility to the field had been received and their content, which was positive, was noted.
    2. Zip Wire maintenance – As recommended in the H&S report, maintenance had been undertaken on the Zip Wire.  This had improved the performance of the ride. The recommendation was for this to be conducted annually.  It was understood this would cost several hundred pounds per annum.  Further information would be sought regarding other councils with zip wires and their approach to maintenance.  Cllr Poole would investigate.
    3. Replacement of goal posts – an approach had been made by two mothers for improvements to the equipment for smaller children.  It was understood the school would be using the field for outdoor activities. This would be explored further including the possibility of re-establishing a Playing Field Committee.  In the meantime, Cllr Hodges would look into the cost of the replacement of the goal posts and the Clerk would explore possible funding for improvements.
    4. Dissolution of the Playing Field Committee – this item referred to the Committee established to propose changes to the south end of the playing field.  It was agreed that the Committee should remain in existence.
  2. Financial Matters
  1. Receipts and payments as at 29 March and final financial situation for 2022/23, a copy of which had been circulated with the agenda.  The Clerk advised that Cllr Hodges had reconciled the totals to the bank statements and all had been found to he correct.

Receipts: Bank interest £1.48 and £3.29; HDC Making a Difference grant – £3223.12; HMRC Repayment of VAT £438.18 and £747.72

Payments: Sarah Lowe (salary) £105.60, £91.20, £76.80, £38.40; Sarah Lowe (expenses) £17.00, £4.13; HMRC £82.80; John Duck (repayment for fencing rails) £176.70; WJPS £344.40; Richard Poole (repayment for hire of equipment) £38.52; Snape Institute £10 (room hire), £125 (donation for Warm Hub); Snape Methodist Church £20 (room hire); £125 (donation for Warm Hub; Colin Hodges (repayment for printing) £34.38; C & A Gregory (hedge cutting) £69.00.

Bank accounts as at 29 March 2023

Current account – £10553.76

Deposit account – £2653.24

Deposit account re Institute - £34874.58

  1. Hours worked by the Clerk – November 11 hours; December 9 hours 30 minutes; January 8 hours; February 4 hours

  1. Barclays Bank request for information The Clerk advised that she had been in correspondence with Barclays Bank from December 2022 to respond to their request for information about the Council.  She had received notification of what was required in February and had quickly submitted information which she had shared with Cllrs Duck and Hodges before submission.  Since then she had not been advised if the information had been acceptable but had received a letter stating the Council’s accounts would be closed in two months’ time if information was not submitted.  She had followed this up with the Know Your Customer Team at Barclays.  The Clerk suggested a letter should be sent to the CEO of the Bank.  The Clerk was asked to investigate other banking provisions.
  1. Highway matters

Following a walk around the village by Cllrs Duck and Hodges the following matters would be raised with Highways for corrective action:

  • Low Park corner – road surfacing deteriorating;
  • Bridge on Ings Lane not repaired – there have been orange bollards there for over 2 years;
  • Salmon Lane – lack of signposting for Bedale;
  • White lining in need of re-painting;
  • Signage at the top of the avenue has twisted so pointing in the wrong direction for Well.

There was discussion about the cleaning the bollards on Kings Kell whilst the road was closed for road dressing.  It was agreed that the Clerk should contact the Road Safety contact in Highways to try to organise this.

  1. Broadacres matters
    1. Following contact from a resident of Beech Close, it was agreed that the Clerk should write to seek clarity about access to the rear of properties.
    2. A resident in Neville Row had queried about the amount of concrete and stones at the back of their property on the edge of the beck.  The issue would be viewed and then a letter sent to Broadacres including the query above.
  2. Levelling Up Fund – information had been circulated regarding this funding.  In discussion, improvements to the Marina Bridge were raised as a possible project.  Cllr Webster agreed to investigate whether this would be a suitable project for this funding.
  3. Planning applications –
    1. The following applications were noted:
      1. 20/01460/DCN - Application for discharge Conditions 3 (material samples) 4 (prevention of surface water discharging onto existing highway) 5 (road access details) 6 (visibility splays) 7 (parking and turning area details 8 (construction management plan) 9 (foul and surface water drainage details) 13 (detailed cross sections through site showing existing and proposed levels) - Howden Hill, Ings Lane, Snape – No comments would be made.
      2. 23/00627/TPO - Works to fell a tree with a TPO - Tilia House, Snape.  In discussion it was agreed that the following comments would be made:
        •  The Parish Council recognises the important feature of this avenue of Lime trees at the entrance to the village.  The Parish Council noted that there was no Arborculturist's report submitted to support this application.  If there is no evidence of the need to fell the tree due to it being dead, diseased or dangerous then the Council would not wish to see the tree removed and, therefore, objects to this application.  However, should such information be provided to support the tree being felled then the Parish Council would want to see a replacement Lime tree planted in its place.
    2. It was noted that the following applications had been approved:
  • 23/00147/CAT - Application for works to a tree in a conservation area - The Cedars, Snape
  • 22/01263/DCN - Discharge of condition 2 of previously approved planning applications 22/01263/FUL and 22/01264/LBC - Snape Castle Barn Snape
  • 22/02852/FUL - Change of use of barn to holiday accommodation as amended by plan received by Hambleton District Council on 25 and 31 January 2023 - Lavender Lodge Snape
    1. Prices Paving and Stone Ltd – This was still awaiting a decision.  Cllr Webster advised that the flooding issue was still an issue and it would not proceed to Committee until this was resolved.  In discussion, it was agreed that the flood risk was the major issue to the Parish Council and issues regarding the proposed junction were also significant.
  1. Coronation of Charles III – possible ways of marking the Coronation were discussed including the planting of daffodils given that these flowers were the national flower of Wales of which King Charles had been the Prince of for many years.
  2. North Yorkshire Council – A draft Parish Charter had been received and was noted. 
  3. Superfast Broadband coming to Snape – This development was noted.
  4. Date for the Open Parish Meeting – This would be held on 18 April.
  5. Newsletter – a number of items were agreed for the next newsletter.
  6. To resolve to exclude members of the public and press under the item due to the nature of the business to be transacted being prejudicial to the public interest – The Council RESOLVED to exclude members of the public.
  7. Avenue Tree survey tender – The Council agreed the approach for tendering for a forthcoming survey of the Avenue and other trees on the greens.  The Clerk would make contact with 3 arborculturists to seek submissions.

The meeting closed at 9.00 pm.

Created: 18/06/2023 / Last Modified: N/A