Snape with Thorp Parish Council
Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 4 July 2023 at 7.00 pm in Snape Institute
Present: Councillors John Duck, Liz Watson, Colin Hodges, Sara Pringle, Richard Poole, PC Crawford (for item 5 only) and Cllr D Webster (for item 8 onwards)
- Apologies for absence – There were no apologies.
- Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.
- Minutes of the meeting held on 24 May, copies of which had already been circulated, were accepted as a true record and were signed by the Chairman.
- Matters arising
a. Platinum Jubilee and Coronation of King Charles III – The Royal Red Acer, in recognition of the Coronation, was now in situ. Wording for the plaques for the two trees were discussed and agreed. Cllr Poole would investigate comparative costs for having the plaques made and report back.
- Policing Matters – PC Crawford was welcomed to the meeting. He presented the policing report. This included useful advice on avoiding fraud which would be included in the next newsletter. Item 7 on the agenda – parking issues - was brought forward and discussed at this point. PC Crawford explained what constituted a parking offence; respectful parking should be encouraged. It was RESOLVED to prepare a joint statement to be circulated with the next newsletter to advise village residents on parking matters.
- Financial Matters
- Receipts and payments as at 30 June 2023 (reconciliations which also showed the headings against the agreed budget had been circulated with the agenda) were noted and approved.
Receipts Metcalfe Haulage - £500.00; Barclays Bank (interest) - £5.53; HMRC (VAT repayment) - £161.03.
Payments BHIB – insurance - £405.08; Sarah Lowe (salary) £237.60; Mashamshire Community Office (printing) - £27.00; Richard Poole (reimbursement of tree purchase) - £50.00; Snape Methodist Church (room hire) £15.00; ICO (annual registration) - £35.00.
- Bank accounts as at 30 June 2023
Current account – £13948.11
Deposit account – £2658.77
Deposit account re Institute - £45010.04
The Clerk was asked to look into the possibility of transferring deposited funds into a Building Society account to ensure a better return on funds.
- Hours of work undertaken by the Clerk since the last meeting: The Clerk had worked 11 hours in June.
- Planning applications:
- The following new applications were considered:
- ZB23/01172/CLP - Construction of a timber clad home office building in the rear garden. Fernlea, Meadow Lane, Snape - The Parish Council had no objections to this application
- ZB23/01213/FUL - Alterations to existing rear courtyard extension to create proposed sun-room and to create a wider front porch. Weavers Cottage, Ings Lane – The Parish Council had no objections to this application
- Planning approval of the following application was noted:
- ZB23/00792/FUL - Single storey rear extension to form an enlarged bedroom.- The Riddings
- Prices Paving and Stone Ltd – there was no new information regarding this application. However, Cllr Webster advised that a response was awaited from the Environment Agency.
- Newsletter – A number of items were agreed for inclusion in the next newsletter.
- Hedges overhanging Meadow Lane – a request had been submitted by a resident regarding overhanging branches where Meadow Lane narrowed. It was noted that this matter had been raised with Highways via the portal and had been subsequently closed. Cllr Poole agreed to clarify the situation with the home owner.
- Avenue and grasscutting – the mid July cut was approaching and the Clerk was asked to contact the Climate and Conservation Group to advise this was the case and clarify this would fit with the planting of wild flowers they had undertaken. It was acknowledged that opinions differed on the cow parsley between the old trees which had been cut back at the last cut. However, some felt that the Cow Parsley was so established that the grass between the trees had suffered. The growing season had been unusual with a significant burst of growth in June.
Cllr Pringle recommended that when the new bulbs were planted in September down the side of the beck the areas should be marked for the later benefit of the contractor to avoid the cutting of the bulb leaves too early which would have a detrimental effect on the bulbs’ health.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm.