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Snape with Thorp Parish Council

Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 6 September 2023 at 6.00 pm in Snape Methodist Church, Schoolroom

Present: Councillors John Duck, Liz Watson, Colin Hodges, Sara Pringle, Richard Poole, Cllr D Webster and 8 members of the public (for item 11 only)

  1. Apologies for absence – There were no apologies.
  2. Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations of interest.
  3. Re-ordering of the Agenda – Cllr Duck welcomed everyone to the meeting.  It was AGREED to take item 11 first to permit members of the public to take part in the discussion and then leave should they wish.  However, the item is recorded below to follow the order of the published agenda
  4. Minutes of the meeting held on 4 July, copies of which had already been circulated, were accepted as a true record and were signed by the Chairman.
  5. Matters arising
    1. Platinum Jubilee and Coronation of King Charles III – Cllr Poole presented a paper with the suggested wording; with the exception of a small change this was approved.  He would liaise with the Clerk to order the plaques.
    2. Parking – a letter from NY Police had been circulated with the last PC Newsletter.  The Police had confirmed that they had received no reports of inappropriate parking nor been asked to visit the village. 
    3. Overhanging trees on Meadow Lane – it was noted that works had been done by the previous and current residents.
  6. Policing Matters – No-one was able to attend the meeting.  A report was tabled.
  7. Financial Matters
    1. The receipts and payments since the last meeting were noted and approved.

Receipts: None

Payments Farm & Land Services - £694.80; S Lowe (salary) £105.60, £72.00; S Lowe (expenses) £17.25, £19.24; HMRC £120.60; The Boston Bulb company Ltd £201.60; Mashamshire Community Office (printing) £46.50.

Bank accounts as at 1 September 2023

Current account – £12670.52

Deposit account – £2658.77

Deposit account re Institute - £45010.04

    1. Hours worked by the Clerk – a total of 43 hours 15 minutes had been worked between May – July inclusive
    2. Bank account - The Clerk reported that as a Parish Council it was not possible to use the Skipton Building Society to deposit funds.  The Post Office Bank would be looked at.  At present funds could be transferred into the Barclays Deposit Account from the Business account to access a higher level of interest.
  1. Playing Field
    1. Goal posts – Cllr Hodges reported that repairs had been made to the current goal posts and in the meantime, some of the funds allocated to the playing field had been used to purchase stronger metal goal posts and new nets.  The Clerk advised that the nets had already arrived.
    2. Grass cutting – Cllr Hodges reported that an additional cut of the playing field had been requested.  In discussion, it was AGREED that when the tender documents were considered later in the year more cuts would be included to ensure the grass was at a better length to support games on the field.
  2. Damage to village green
    1. Lorries – The Clerk reported that there had been two recent incidents of lorries doing damage to the triangular green opposite Lyme Houses.  Details of the companies had been provided to her and she had written to the firms involved.  One of the firms had responded to indicate they would use smaller vehicles for deliveries into the village.
    2. Road repairs – It was felt that the works done had been so limited that they would not be long lasting.  In addition the tar had been distributed haphazardly that damage had been done to kerbing and the grass verges.  These issues had been raised with Highways and the Council had been advised that the windy weather had caused the spraying on verges and kerbstones.  The latter would be cleaned of the tar.  The Council had expected a more thorough road re-surfacing which would have resulted in renewal of the white lines.  In the circumstances it would be appropriate to raise with Highways again the renewing of the white lines in the village.
  3. Snape Conservation and Climate Change Group
    1. Proposal for the encouragement of wild flowers in the Avenue – A communication from the Group had already been circulated and was considered.  The proposal was welcomed and it was AGREED that it was supported.  The Clerk would communicate this outcome to the Group.
  4. Planning applications
    1. Prices Paving and Stone Ltd – Cllr Duck introduced the matter referring to the visit by the Planning Committee on 7 September and the Planning Committee on 14 September.  There was a wide ranging discussion concerning the issues of Affordable Housing, Highways, Flooding and sewage system.  It was noted that the site had been revised for flooding risk and changes had been made to the anti-flooding measures to include a pump at the top of the site and an attenuation tank to the east of the site.  It was understood that there would be an explanation of these measures at the visit the following day. It was noted that the PC did not object per se to the development but continued to have major concerns about the highway proposal and flooding.  The PC had asked to have discussion with Highways on possible alternative arrangements but this had been declined.  On flooding the PC would not want to see any changes to the size or number of outfall pipes to the beck so would want the flood risk managed on site.  The Council had noted the comment in the recent flood strategy report which stated that residents might be unable to move off the site in the instance of excessive flooding.  If 6 affordable houses were to be included it was hoped that most would be for rent to support scope for younger families to live in the village.  It was noted that Cllr Duck and Mr D Smith would attend the Planning Committee meeting. 
    2. The Council considered the following applications:
      1. ZB23/01701/CAT Works to a tree in a conservation area - works to a Beech tree  Brook Cottage – the Council had no objections
      2. ZB23/01721/TPO  Works to a tree with a TPO ref 16/0001/TPO1  Tilia House – the Council had no objections
      3. ZB23/01720/FUL  Application for extension to existing garage/workshop to create new domestic storage area Lowlands Bungalow – the Council had no objections
    3. To Council noted the following had been approved since the last meeting:
      1. ZB23/01172/CLP - Construction of a timber clad home office building in the rear garden. Fernlea
      2. ZB23/01213/FUL - Alterations to existing rear courtyard, extension to create proposed sun-room and to create a wider front porch. Weavers Cottage
  5. Bedale Villages and Community Forum – an invitation to attend the meeting on a regular basis had been received.  It was AGREED that representation on this Forum would be useful and Cllrs Pringle and Watson would attend alternate meetings
  6. Parish Charter – a copy of this document from NYC had been received and already circulated.  A number of points contained in the document were highlighted by the Clerk.  One of the items noted was potential funding from Cllr Webster’s Locality Budget.
  7. NYC – Announcing a new approach to managing speed limits in North Yorkshire – a letter from Cllr Keane Duncan had already been circulated and was discussed.  It was AGREED to write to Cllr Keane to welcome the approach and to raise issues about the Council’s request for a 20mph speed limit in the vicinity of the School.  The Clerk would respond accordingly.
  8. Emergency Planning – Cllr Duck advised that he had been asked to update some of the information in the Council’s current Emergency Plan.  It was AGREED that this document should be subject to review in the near future.
  9. Website – WJPS had notified that Council that the website could be adapted at no extra cost to include access to the planning portal via the website.  This would cover applications over the last 24 months.  Having received concerns from Parishioners about how to access the planning portal it was AGREED to take up this offer.
  10. Newsletter – It was AGREED that the next newsletter would be issued after the outcome of the Planning Committee was known.  Councillors would contact the Clerk with any other items to include.
  11. Safety at Carthorpe corner – Cllr Poole referred to warning notices which had recently been installed at Aiskew railway crossing to advise cyclists of the potential danger there.  It was AGREED to contact the Highways Road Safety Officer to request reconsideration of the decision to turn down the Council’s request for a sign at Carthorpe corner.

The meeting closed at 8.15pm.

Created: 08/11/2023 / Last Modified: 27/04/2024 by Sarah Lowe