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Snape with Thorp Parish Council


Agenda for a Meeting of the Council to be held on Wednesday 15 November 2023 at 6.00 pm in the Schoolroom, Snape Methodist Church

1. Non-attendance of Councillors

1.1 To receive and note apologies from councillors who are unable to attend the meeting

1.2 To consider reasons for absence provided by councillors who cannot attend and resolve the council’s acceptance of these if felt relevant.

  1. Declarations of interest – to receive any declarations of interest in agenda items
  2. Minutes – to agree and sign the minutes of meetings held on 6 September 2023 (copy attached)
  3. Matters arising
    1. Platinum Jubilee and Coronation – to note that the plaques have been purchased and received
    2. NYC – Announcing a new approach to managing speed limits in North Yorkshire – to note response to PC’s letter from Cllr Keane Duncan (copy already circulated)
    3. Locality budget – report by the Clerk
    4. Safety at Carthorpe corner – report by the Clerk
  4. Policing matters – No representative of NY Police can attend the meeting so a report on current policing matters will be tabled at the meeting
  5. Financial matters
  1. To approve the receipts and payments since the last meeting (see attached finance report and reconciliation)
  2. To note hours of work undertaken by the Clerk since the last meeting  (see attached finance report)
  3. Grass cutting tender – to review the tender document from 2021 and to agree any alterations (see papers attached)
  4. To receive a report regarding the budget for 2024/25 and to consider the precept for 2024/25 (see copy report)
  5. Snape Institute charity – move to CIO – return of funds to the new Charity – report by Clerk/Chair of the Institute Committee
  1. Playing Field
    1. Goal posts – to note the goal posts have been purchased
    2. Further development of the playing field – new equipment for smaller children – report by Cllr Hodges
    3. Communication from Snape Climate and Conservation Group regarding developments to encourage habitats for wild animals (email sent to Councillors)
  2. Planning applications
    1. Prices Paving and Stone Ltd – to note the recent approval for up to 32 houses on the Manor House site and to discuss any learning from the process
    2. To consider the following applications:
      1. ZB23/02076/FUL  Construction of a Hay store  Lavender Lodge Snape
      2. ZB23/02049/FUL  First floor rear extension and fenestration alterations to garden room Cedar Garth Meadow Lane Snape
    3. To note the following have been approved since the last meeting:
      1. ZB23/01701/CAT Works to a tree in a conservation area - works to a Beech tree  Brook Cottage Snape DL8 2TR
      2. ZB23/01721/TPO  Works to a tree with a TPO ref 16/0001/TPO1  Tilia House Meadow Lane Snape DL8 2TJ
      3. ZB23/01720/FUL  Application for extension to existing garage/workshop to create new domestic storage area Lowlands Bungalow Ings Lane Snape DL8 2TQ

Planning application documents for the above can be found at or via

  1. Bedale villages and Community Forum – report back from September’s meeting
  2. Local Government Association - Model Councillor Code of Conduct 2020 (copy attached)

  1. Civility and Respect policies – to discuss the need for these policies and that councillors are aware of the following guidance documents available on the YLCA website:
    1. Model councillor - officer protocols
    2. Social Media Civility & Respect Guide and Policy Supplement
    3. Civility and Respect, Roles and Responsibilities in a Local Council
    4. Dignity at Work policy

A copy of the above documents is attached.

  1. Quickline implementation
  2. Newsletter – to agree content of the next newsletter

Signed …………………………………..…Clerk                       Date:

          Sarah Lowe

PLEASE NOTE: the Council can only consider written information if it is submitted to the Clerk at least 48 hours before the meeting.

Press and members of the public can attend the meeting which will be open to the public and press unless the Council otherwise direct. 

Created: 08/11/2023 / Last Modified: 27/04/2024 by Sarah Lowe