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Snape with Thorp Parish Council


Agenda for the Annual General Meeting of the Council to be held on Tuesday 21 May 2024 at 6.00 pm in the Snape Institute

  1. Election of Chairman and signing of documentation
  2. Apologies for absence – to receive apologies
  3. Declarations of interest – to receive any declarations of interest in agenda items
  4. Minutes – to agree and sign the minutes of meeting held on 26 March (copy attached)
  5. Matters arising
    1. Community Speed Watch – to note information provided by NY Police and to agree any action (paper attached)
    2. Tree survey – to receive report from the Clerk and to discuss and agree action on the tree survey received at the last meeting
    3. Grass verge from the bridge by the Monument to the entrance of Beech Close – to discuss and agree any action
  6. Financial matters –
  1. To note that the Council fulfils the criteria to declare itself exempt from the requirement for a limited assurance review and to agree this declaration (see page 3 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/24 – copy attached)
  2. To note the annual internal audit report for 2023/24  (page 4 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/24 - copy attached)
  3. To approve the annual governance statement for 2023/24 (page 5 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/24 - copy attached)
  4. To approve the annual accounting statement for 2023/24 (page 6 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/24 - copy attached)
  5. To approve the certificate of exemption for 2023/24 (page 3 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/24 – copy attached
  6. To note and approve the following:
    1. Bank Reconciliation
    2. Explanation of variances
    3. Explanation of high reserves

(see attached documents)

  1. To approve the publication of documents required by the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015 and the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities (see paper attached)
  2. To approve the year end (2023/24) and new year (2024/25) receipts and payments since the last meeting (see attached reconciliations)
  3. To note hours of work undertaken by the Clerk since the last meeting (see attached finance report)
  4. To agree the financial allocations for 2024/25 as follows
    1. to the playing field - £150
    2. for the avenue - £500
    3. for defibrillator - £150
  5. Financial Regulations – annual decision making – paper attached
  6. Insurance cover – to receive a report from the Clerk and to agree action
  1. Playing Field Development Committee – report by the Clerk
  2. Playing Field – to discuss additional equipment for Under 5s and tree planting in the field  – report by Cllr Hodges
  3. Asset Register – to agree the asset register (see attached)
  4. Risk Assessment – to agree the risk assessment report (see attached)   
  5. Planning applications
    1. Update on any other planning applications – report from the Clerk
  6. Appointment of Councillors to represent the PC at YLCA meetings (see paper attached)
  7. Quickline – a representative of Quickline will attend to discuss with the Council works required to link front street (The Avenue) to the system – to note presentation and to agree approach
  8. Biodiversity – standing item
  9. Annual open meeting – to review and to agree any necessary actions

Signed …………………………………..…Clerk                       Date:

          Sarah Lowe

PLEASE NOTE: the Council can only consider written information if it is submitted to the Clerk at least 48 hours before the meeting.

Press and members of the public can attend the meeting which will be open to the public and press unless the Council otherwise direct. 

Created: 15/05/2024 / Last Modified: N/A