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Snape with Thorp Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 21 May 2024 at 6.00 pm in the Snape Institute

Present: Councillors John Duck, Liz Watson, Sara Pringle, Colin Hodges and Richard Poole  Also present 1 member of the public and two representatives of Quickline for item 13, which was taken out of sequence after item 4 to permit the representatives to leave the meeting

  1. Election of Chairman – Cllr John Duck was duly elected Chairman and signed the acceptance of office form
  2. Apologies for absence – Apologies were received from Cllr David Webster
  3. Declarations of Interest – There were no declarations.
  4. Minutes of the meetings held on 26 March, copies of which had already been circulated, were accepted as a true record and were signed by the Chairman.
  5. Matters arising
    1. Community Speed Watch – Information provided by NY Police was noted.  It was RESOLVED that at present speeding was not such a major issue to request a Community Speed Watch.  The Clerk had received a supply of leaflets and stickers re Neighbourhood watch and details could be included in the Newsletter.  Following the issue of car parking being discussed at the Open Meeting, the Clerk had reminded the Police about their letter sent some months ago re parking awareness.  The Clerk would ask the Police if they wished to update this as they were visiting to view current car parking issues.
    2. Tree survey – The tree survey report had been received at the last meeting.  It was RESOLVED to seek tenders for undertaking the recommended works.  A response was still awaited from Land and Farm Services regarding the young trees in the avenue and those on the greens.  The Clerk would make contact with them for an update.
    3. Grass verge from the bridge by the Monument to the entrance of Beech Close – It was RESOLVED to leave them as at present.
    4. Accidents on the Carthorpe corner – following two further accidents being reported to Highways it appeared that a cyclist specific sign would be possible but a further reply had been received stating that the signage was adequate for all road users.  It was RESOLVED to write to Highways with a copy to Cllr Webster expressing disappointment at this outcome, to state that accidents would continue to be reported but the Council felt it had done as much as possible to improve safety at this corner and this was now a Highways matter.
  6. Financial Matters
    1. The Clerk advised that the Council met the criteria to declare itself exempt from the requirement of a limited assurance review; this was noted.
    2. Annual internal audit report for 2023/24 was tabled.  It was RESOLVED that the Annual Internal Audit Report for 2023/24 included at page 4 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return be noted.  The Internal Auditor had made a number of comments on the Council’s paperwork and these were discussed in detail but did not affect the Auditor’s signing of the Audit report. 
    3. Annual governance statement for 2023/24 (copy of which had been circulated with the agenda).  This was discussed.  It was RESOLVED that the Council approve the Annual Governance Statement 2023/24 on page 5 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/24.  It was further RESOLVED that the document would be signed by the Chairman.
    4. To approve the annual accounting statement for 2023/24 (copy of which had been circulated with the agenda). It was RESOLVED that the Council approve the Annual Account Statement 2023/24 on page 6 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/2024. It was further RESOLVED that the document would be signed by the Chairman.
    5. To approve the Certificate of Exemption for 2023/24 (copy of which had been circulated with the agenda).  It was RESOLVED that the Council approve the Certificate of Exemption 2023/24 on page 3 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/24.  It was further RESOLVED that the document would be signed by the Chairman.
    6. The Council noted the following documents as at the end of the financial year – bank reconciliation and, explanation of variances.  The Clerk advised that there was no explanation of high reserves form on this occasion.
    7. Publication of documents required by the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, the Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015, SI 2020/404 The Accounts and Audit (Coronavirus) (Amendment Regulations 2020 and the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities (paper circulated with the agenda) – it was RESOLVED that the required documents would be published on the Parish Council’s website and the noticeboard..
    8. Receipts and payments as at 31 March and 15 May 2024 (reconciliations which also showed the headings against the agreed budget had been circulated with the agenda) were noted and approved.  The Clerk advised that once item 5i (below) was approved she would adjust the statement to include the reserves for 2024/25.

Receipts: NYC £4447.50 (1st instalment of precept); HMRC - £480.68 (repayment of VAT)

Payments: S Lowe (salary) £154.10, £169.61; S Lowe (expenses) £20.80; HMRC £53.00; YLCA (membership fees) £147.00; Mashamshire Community Office (printing of newsletter) £36.00

The Clerk advised that a cheque has also been raised for £436.80 but it had not yet cleared the account so was not included in the above.

Bank accounts as at 15 May 2024

Current account – £8116.45

Deposit account – £10685.17

Deposit account re Institute - £77499.14

The hours worked by the Clerk in April of 13 hours 30 minutes were noted.  The Clerk had advised that she had attended a YLCA legal update and changes from 1 April meant that payment for her holiday hours would now be rolled up into the monthly salary.

    1. Financial allocations for the playing field, the Avenue and defibrillator – these were agreed as £150, £500 and £150 respectively. 
    1. Insurance renewal – the Clerk reported that she had received the renewal notification from Clear Council, which had taken over BHIB Councils.  The due date was 1 June 2024.  This was the   final year of the 3 year Long Term Agreement.  The additional cost was £10 over that paid in 2023/24. It was RESOLVED to take up this renewal. 
    2. Financial Regulations – the new regulations required the Council to review a number of current actions; the Clerk had itemised these on a paper, already circulated, and it was RESOLVED to take the Clerk’s recommendations contained in the paper.  However the Clerk had noted the possible change to electronic banking and the need to review the Council’s current document against an updated YLCA document.  The Clerk would update the document for these changes and bring this back to Council asap.
  1. Playing Field Development Committee – It was RESOLVED to close this Committee.
  2. Playing field – Cllr Hodges advised that he, the Clerk and a representative of parents were to meet the following day to clarify exactly what was required to support a tendering process.  The goal posts would soon be installed.  The weekly checks were being undertaken by the Clerk but would move onto Cllr Poole shortly.  Re tree planting it was agreed that Cllrs Pringle and Poole would meet with the resident to arrive at a proposal to bring back to the next meeting of the Council.  The Clerk had contacted Streetscape for the Zipwire manufacturer’s instructions.  Cllr Poole had a copy and these would be reviewed to clarify what might be needed in terms of a maintenance check.
  3. Asset register – the asset register, a copy of which has been circulated with the agenda, was approved
  4. Risk register – The risk register (a copy of which had been circulated with the agenda) was approved
  5. Planning applications:  There were no planning applications to consider.
  6. Appointment of Councillors to represent the PC at YLCA meetings – The Clerk suggested that the Council agree that if any Councillor or Clerk is approved to attend YLCA meetings they would be deemed to be representing the Council and can vote on behalf of the Council and such a meeting.  This was agreed.
  7. Quickline – Two representatives of Quickline attended to explain a difficulty they were having in providing access for houses on Beech Close and neighbouring properties.  They had intended coming via the road but as there was not the requisite depth on the bridge to legally undertake the works an alternative was required.  Initially this had been to erect two 6m poles.  However, an alternative was now proposed.  The Council went to view the new approach which required burying the lines under the registered green on the southern side of the beck.  Quickline would consider if a payment could be made to the Council for this.  In principle, the Council agreed to this approach subject to clarifying the issue of funding.
  8. Biodiversity – Cllr Pringle presented information on actions taken and proposed for the Council.  This information would be included in the Newsletter. In discussion, it was agreed to leave a swath of grass by the side of the beck to protect the bulb leaves to let them die back. This would then be cut in due course and hopefully in advance of the Open Gardens.  The area between the old trees in the Avenue would remain uncut until into July.
  9. Annual open meeting – The meeting had been held on 30 April.  There was nothing from this meeting on which action was required.

The meeting closed at 8.00pm

Created: 06/06/2024 / Last Modified: 06/06/2024 by Sarah Lowe