Bank reconciliation


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Bank reconciliation – pro forma
This reconciliation should include all bank and building society accounts, including short term investment accounts. It must agree to Box 8 in the column headed “Year ending 31 March 20xx” in Section 2 of the AGAR – and will also agree to Box 7 where the accounts are prepared on a receipts and payments basis. Please complete the highlighted boxes, remembering that unpresented cheques should be entered as negative figures.
Name of smaller authority:  Snape with Thorp Parish Council
County area (local councils and parish meetings only):  North Yorkshire County
Financial year ending 31 March 2024
Prepared by (Name and Role): Sarah Lowe/Clerk/RFO
Date: 06/05/2024
 £   £ 
Balance per bank statements as at 31/3/xx:
Current account    3,768.8
Business Saver account  10,685.2
  Created: 13/06/2024 / Last Modified: N/A