Analysis of significant year on year variances


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Explanation of variances – pro forma 
Name of smaller authority:  Snape with Thorp Parish Council
County area (local councils and parish meetings only):   
Insert figures from Section 2 of the AGAR in all Blue highlighted boxes 
Next, please provide full explanations, including numerical values, for the following that will be flagged in the green boxes where relevant:
• variances of more than 15% between totals for individual boxes (except variances of less than £200);
New from 2020/21 onwards: variances of £100,000 or more require explanation regardless of the % variation year on year;
2022/23 2023/24 Variance Variance Explanation Required? Automatic responses trigger below based on figures input, DO NOT OVERWRITE THESE BOXES
£ £ £ %
1 Balances Brought Forward 9,909 13,207 Explanation of % variance from PY opening balance not required - Balance brought forward agrees
2 Precept or Rates and Levies 8,600 8,858 258 3.00% NO  
3 Total Other Receipts 5,328 1,520 -3,808 71.47% YES In 2022/23 grant of £3223 and two donations of £600 received.  In addition, due to works undertaken in 2022/23 VAT reclaimed was £658 higher than VAT reclaimed in 2023/24. Together these explain the higher other receipts
4 Staff Costs Created: 13/06/2024 / Last Modified: N/A