Agenda 25 September


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Snape with Thorp Parish Council


Agenda for the Meeting of the Council to be held on Wednesday 25 September 2024 at 6.30 pm in the Snape Methodist Church Schoolroom

  1. .Non-attendance of Councillors

1.1 To receive and note apologies from councillors who are unable to attend the meeting

1.2 To consider reasons for absence provided by councillors who cannot attend and resolve the council’s acceptance of these if felt relevant.

2.   Declarations of interest – to receive any declarations of interest in agenda items

  1. Minutes – to agree and sign the minutes of meeting held on 21 May (copy attached)
  2. Matters arising
    1. Car parking issues – to discuss need for a note around the village
    2. Accidents on the Carthorpe corner – to receive a report from the Clerk
    3. Annual Accounts – to note receipt of notification of exempt status – to receive a report from the Clerk
    4. Financial Regulations – to note this has been deferred to the next meeting
    5. Quickline – to receive report from the Clerk
  3. Financial matters –
  1. To approve the receipts and payments since the last meeting (see attached reconciliations)
  2. To note hours of work undertaken by the Clerk since the last meeting (see attached finance report)
  1. Police report – it is hoped that there will be a representative of the police present
  2. Playing Field – RoSPA safety report – already circulated – to note and agree action
  3. Request from Snape Men’s Shed – letter and paper already circulated – presentation by a representative of the group – to receive request and discuss
  4. Snape Climate and Conservation Group – to note request received (previously circulated) – to discuss and agree further action
  5. Highway matters:
    1. Road sign at west end of the Avenue – no sign pointing to Well
    2. Road sign at Salmon lane – no sign pointing to Bedale
    3. Road surface on western corner of Meadow Lane
    4. Road surface at Low Park
    5. Uneven pathway at the western end of Meadow Lane
    6. Low branch overhanging grass verge at West Garth
    7. No street lamp number on the lamp outside Cherry Tree Cottage

To discuss the above and agree action

  1. Phone box – ideas for its usage – to discuss and agree approach
  2. Cleaning of the millennium stone – to discuss and agree approach
  3. Purchase and planting of 1000 daffodil bulbs – to discuss and agree approach
  4. Planning applications
    1. Receipt of new applications
  • ZB24/01414/LBC - Listed Building Consent for removal of internal stud wall between 2 bedrooms to create 1 bedroom - Snape Castle Mews
  • ZB24/01536/FUL - 2 number single storey extensions and conversion of existing garage – Shalom, Ings Lane
  • ZB24/01693/CLE -  Application for a Lawful development certificate (existing use) to confirm the implementation of planning permission for demolition of existing dwelling and associated buildings and proposed construction of 3no. new build detached dwellings Ref. No: 20/01460/FUL - Howden Hill, Ings Lane
  • ZB24/01800/CAT - Works to 14 Trees in a Conservation Area - Snape Trees, Snape
  • ZB24/01800/TPO - Works to 7 Lime Trees subject to TPO 1997/02 - Snape Trees The Avenue, Snape


    1. Outcome of previous planning applications
  • ZB24/01325/FUL - Two storey rear and single storey front porch - 2 West End Cottages Snape – Granted
  • ZB24/00100/CAT - Application for works to tree (to crown thin Magnolia tree by 5% and crown reduce/shape by 10-15%) in a conservation area - Beck House, 1 Meadow Lane, Snape – Granted

Planning application documents for the above can be found at or via

    1. Update on any other planning applications – report from the Clerk

None to report

  1. Biodiversity – standing item – update from Cllr Pringle
  2. Items for the Newsletter – to agree items for inclusion in next newsletter
  3. To resolve to exclude members of the public and press under item 18a due to the nature of the business to be transacted being prejudicial to the public interest
  4. Financial matters
  1. Under 5s equipment tender – to receive a report from the Clerk on the tenders received and to agree the outcome

Signed …………………………………..…Clerk                       Date:

          Sarah Lowe

PLEASE NOTE: the Council can only consider written information if it is submitted to the Clerk at least 48 hours before the meeting.

Press and members of the public can attend the meeting which will be open to the public and press unless the Council otherwise direct. 

Created: 19/09/2024 / Last Modified: N/A