Deeds and other legal documents


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Deeds/Land Registry document or other documents showing the Council’s ownership etc of land/buildings in the Parish

The following documents are held locally:

  1. Registered village green
  • Copy of map with a stamp “Commons Registration Act 1965, NYCC Registration Authority” dated 26 October 1967. The map shows in dark contrast the areas of registered land.
  • Map provided by NYCC in 1990s to the Clerk highlighting in green the areas of registered village green.

Both of the above documents have been recently copied to the Parish Councillors

  1. Original conveyance document dated 31.3.1926.
    • This document refers to the transfer of the following to the Parish Council:
      1. The land and trees in the Avenue
      2. The village green
      3. The Hearse House (this was subsequently sold to Mr E Wilkinson in 1956 and the conveyance is endorsed with this change).

Note: there is no map with the document so the extent of village green is not indicated; there is no indication that it was intended a map would be included.

  1. Village Institute
    • Original conveyance dated 11.11.1925 of the Institute passing to the Parish Council. This includes a map.
    • Original deed enacted in 1975 regarding the management of the Institute. All Trustees on the Management Committee have been issued with a copy of this deed.

  1. New Avenue
    • Official Copy of register of title – Title Number NYK90184 – described as land lying to the SW of Snape Castle
    • Official copy of the voluntary conveyance of land for a new Avenue to be planted. This includes a map.

  1. Telephone kiosk
    • Agreement for the sale and purchase of the telephone kiosk dated 12.11.2010. Acquired from BT for £1.

  1. Playing Field at Beech Close
  • 2016 – Title Number NYK304743 – Official copy of register of title – acquired via asset transfer from Hambleton District Council for £1

  1. Comment

It is proposed that YLCA advice is sought to where these documents should be held eg in filing cabinet with the Clerk, at the bank, with a Solicitor etc. As the conveyances from 1926 have not be registered with the Land Registry it is proposed that the advice of YLCA is sought on whether the Council should proceed to register these properties and how this would be transacted.

Sarah Lowe, Clerk May 2021

Created: 15/05/2021 / Last Modified: N/A